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U.S. Sec State Hillary Clinton Says Leaving Post At End of 2012

In a CNN interview, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she will not serve in a second- term administration of President Barack Obama… Continue reading

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Deadly Crackdown on Bahrain Protesters, Iran Rattled by Saudi Military Intervention

The contest between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the Sunni-Shiite split in the Arab world were ramped up to a dangerous level… Continue reading

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Crisis and Civil War in Libya

Here’s an (self)interview by Barry Rubin with Barry Rubin about what’s happening in Libya and U.S. foreign policy… Continue reading

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Egyptian Revolutionaries Ungrateful to Obama Administration

Who’d possibly have thought it? Answer: Anybody who understands the Middle East. You see, the Obama Administration rushed… Continue reading

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Syria sends Gaddafi arms

As Washington commended the Arab League for approving a proposed no-fly zone over Libya and European powers drew up plans for… Continue reading

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U.S. Head of Intelligence James Clapper Should Be Fired

If the Obama Administration would listen more to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates it might salvage its foreign policy… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudis fear ‘Shia triangle’ of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan

America is often portrayed as the big dog in Pakistan’s yard: a swaggering power that makes rules, barks orders and throws its weight around… Continue reading

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Why U.S. Policy is so Bad: An Analysis of the Current Policymaking Process

The problem is that the people most qualified to be heard and who have the better understanding of the situation are being ignored… Continue reading

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Tehran’s hands-off Threat to Riyadh Incites Saudi Shiites to Revolt

Ahead of the first Day of Anger planned in Saudi Arabia for March 11, a senior Iranian figure close to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned… Continue reading

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Obama Administration is loosing the Competition in the Middle East

In testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We are in a competition. I just stress over and over again… Continue reading

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“Cyber war” Between Iran’s Regime and Opposition-Supporting Western Media

As protest demonstrations resume, the cyber war between Iran’s regime and its opponents has escalated as well in the recent two weeks… Continue reading

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US Vetoes UN Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlements as Illegal

Jerusalem Post reported today that the United States vetoed a UN resolution Friday that would have condemned Israeli “illegal” settlements beyond… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Comments on Egypt Revolt

Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu made his first official comments on the situation in Egypt during the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s President-for-Life

A secret American assessment suggests Hosni Mubarak intends to seek another presidential term in 2011 despite his advanced years, that the election will not be free or fair, and that he will likely stay in office until he… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Switzerland’s Biggest Challenge is Its Continuing Crisis with Libya

A secret October 2009 cable from Bern, written by the US ambassador Donald Beyer, briefed Hillary Clinton for her upcoming Swiss trip (on October 10, 2009) to Zürich about “the biggest challenge on Switzerland’s foreign policy front… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: PSSSST!

Today’s cartoon asks the question “If an American diplomat speaks in a forest and there’s nobody from Wikileaks to leak us the truth, is there a noise?”… Continue reading

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PLO Secretary Yasser Abd Rabbo: Negotiations Are “a Useless Political Process”

Yasser Abd Rabbo, secretary of the PLO’s executive committee, claimed that Clinton’s speech was a repetition of familiar American positions. He claimed that negotiations between “occupier” and “occupied” were “a useless political process.” He said that the conflict would only… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Noord-Korea en China Leverden Raketonderdelen Aan Iran

Condoleezza Rice, de toenmalige Amerikaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken, instrueert in dit document van 3 november 2007 de Amerikaanse ambassadeur in China om “tot op het hoogste niveau” aan te dringen op het stoppen van een levering van ballistische… Lees verder

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After Dropping Freeze Bid, U.S. Formulates New Turkey-Iran Deal

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the thankless task of writing finis on the Obama administration’s intense two-year effort to persuade Israelis and Palestinians to discuss peace. Her speech to the Saban Forum early Saturday, Dec. 11 was much awaited as Washington’s first comment on… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syrië en Iran Leverden Wapens Aan Terroristische Groepen

Uit een serie van gelekte geheime Amerikaanse documenten op WikiLeaks blijkt dat de VS aan het begin van dit jaar Syrië rechtstreeks beschuldigden van het leveren van geavanceerde wapens, waaronder SCUD-D raketten aan de sjiitische Hezbollah militie in Libanon… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: Golfstaten Fungeren Als Financieringsbron Voor Terrorisme

Counterterrorisme maatregelen van de Perzische Golfstaten tegen fondsenwerving door radicale Islamitische groeperingen als Al Qaida, Taliban en Lashkar-e-Taiba [LeT] hebben onvoldoende resultaat gehad. Dit lezen we in de geheime Amerikaanse memo’s die… Lees verder

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Palestinians Commemorate the Sixth Anniversary of Arafat’s Death

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday commemorated the sixth anniversary of late leader Yasser Arafat’s death and asserted the Palestinians right to petition the United Nations Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state if Israel refuses to halt settlement… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Lebanon Visit Boost For Hezbollah

Thousands of cheering Hezbollah supporters welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Lebanon on Wednesday. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz called on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not to cause an irreversible situation during his visit to… Continue reading

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World Leaders Ignore International Law

The U.S. Administration, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia made the decision to rewrite history by labeling the Territories ‘Occupied Territories,’ the Settlements as an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ and ‘Not Legitimate….’ Continue reading

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Hamas Continues to Criticize the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Senior Hamas figures and the Hamas-affiliated media continued to attack Israel and the Palestinian Authority over the relaunching of direct negotiations and the PA security forces’ extensive detentions of Hamas operatives… Continue reading