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The Turkish Naval Base at the Dead Sea during World War I

The Dead Sea was a major supply route for the Turkish army between eastern and western Palestine during WWI… Continue reading

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The Battle over Silwan

On the face of it, the sparring that erupted over a gate built illegally by Arab residents may seem like a miniature version of the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians over who controls the Holy Land… Continue reading

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Why Were Antique German Weapons Found at the Dead Sea in Recent Months?

Last month Israeli newspapers reported on the discovery of a huge cache of guns, bullets, artillery shells and mines in the Dead Sea… Continue reading

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Founding National Myths

The vast literature proving the historic Jewish connection to the Land of Israel has been extensively manipulated and distorted as part of the Palestinian politics of nationalism… Continue reading

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Barack Obama, his rabbi and political Islam

President Barack Obama’s view of Judaism, Zionism, and Israel was very much shaped by his liberal and left-wing Jewish contacts… Continue reading

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Committee Report: Judea and Samaria Are Not Occupied Territories

Judea and Samaria are not under occupation rule, according to the “Outposts Committee”,.. Continue reading

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Parallel Betrayals: Iranian Revolution and Arab Spring

Many are the lessons to be learned between the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the current revolutions of the Arab world… Continue reading

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The Rhetoric of Nonsense

For nearly two decades the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been denying Israel’s right to exist, and a recent “Nakba Day” was no exception… Continue reading

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Court Dissolves Egyptian Parliament; Army Takes Over; Civil War?

The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court has invalidated the parliamentary election there… Continue reading

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A Friend in Britain: How Churchill Used “Emotional Intelligence” to Help Jewish National Sovereignty

For over three thousand years, the Jewish people were defined by an identity shaped by the Hebrew language… Continue reading

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Syria is the Spanish Civil War of our Time

Spain 1936. An army revolt against the democratically elected government sets off a civil war. Syria 2012. The people revolt against the dictatorship setting off a civil war… Continue reading

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Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?

Ostensibly dealing with a building, a recent report demonstrates how Turkey’s populace is reverting to its Islamic heritage… Continue reading

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An ‘Imaginary’ President Appeases a Very Real Islam

What, then, are the “lessons of history”… Continue reading

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Are the Negev Bedouin an Indigenous People?

In the last two decades, there has been widespread application of the term “indigenous” in relation to various groups worldwide. In Israel, the indigenousness claim has been raised over the past few years by the country’s Bedouin citizens… Continue reading

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Winston Churchill – A Good Friend of Jews and Zionism?

Churchill’s political involvement with Jews and Zionism was enormously variegated and long, and the list of headings under which this involvement can be assessed no less so… Continue reading

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Winston Churchill Visits Palestine in 1921, Voices Support for Jewish State

The British leader Winston Churchill visited Palestine in 1921, relatively early in his career while serving as Colonial Secretary… Continue reading

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British White Paper of June 1922

The British White Paper 1922 was the first official interpretation of the 1917 Balfour Declaration by the British Government after investigation of… Continue reading

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An Islamist Nazi Collaborator is Transformed into a Moderate

Suppose you read in the Washington Post about a democratic politician who was a refugee from persecution by a dictatorship. Would you be surprised to learn that he was in fact a vicious antisemite… Continue reading

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The Jihadist Roots of the Norway Massacre

Anders Breivik, who went on a shooting spree in Norway last year, killing some 70 people, recently confessed his inspiration: al-Qaeda, the jihadists par excellence of the modern world… Continue reading

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Seated Among the Heroes and Watching the Faces of the Martyrs

In all of this and throughout the nation on this day, there was not a word of hatred, of reviling any enemy… Continue reading

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The General who Staged the 1980 Coup is Put on Trial, But His Legacy Reigns Supreme

The trial of the two surviving members of the junta that seized power on September 12, 1980, in a coup that altered Turkey’s course, is an historic event, but… Continue reading

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Who Gets to be the Caliph?

Who gets to be the caliph? After all, if you want to have a caliphate , as revolutionary Islamists do with much popular support among Muslims… Continue reading

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Remolding Compulsory Education, the AKP Erases a Secularist Legacy – and Seeks to Check the Gülen Brotherhood

The passage of the bill that remolds compulsory education in Turkey erases the legacy of the secularist military intervention fifteen years ago… Continue reading

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Needed: A Marxist-Style Analysis to Understand and Combat the Extreme Left’s Hegemony

Ironically, those opposing the current hegemonic ideas and political forces in the United States and Europe must develop a Marxist-style analysis of what has happened… Continue reading

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Reinventing a Broken Wheel: The AKP’s ‘New’ Kurdish Strategy

On 21 March 2012, Turkish government officials began briefing trusted journalists on what they described as the new strategy of the ruling AKP for solving the country’s long-running Kurdish problem… Continue reading