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Promoting Palestinian Terrorism: A look back at the media coverage of the Palestine Papers

A media orchestrated political storm blew through the volatile Middle East last year with the release of over 1,600 confidential documents relating to Palestinian negotiations with Israel… Continue reading

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The Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change

The Damascus Declaration was a statement of unity by Syrian opposition figures issued October 16, 2005 criticizing the Assad regime… Continue reading

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Betrayal Glorified: The Bizarre Jewish Movement to Destroy Israel by Pretending to Save It

I can only laugh at the idea of dilettante Peter Beinart and J Street as leader of the anti-Israel movement… Continue reading

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“Eventually, All Humans Will Be Palestine Refugees”

Of all the issues that drive the Arab-Israeli conflict, none is more central, malign, primal, enduring, emotional, and complex than the status of those persons known as Palestine refugees… Continue reading

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Demography is Destiny in Syria

Among the second wave of Arab Spring uprisings that followed Tunisia, Syria was the most spectacular “out of the blue” that suddenly arose in the face of the media and analytic community… Continue reading

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The Revisionist History of Sari Nusseibeh

The advocacy of the destruction of a long-existing state, established by an internationally recognized act of national self-determination, has hardly dented Nusseibeh’s “moderate” credentials… Continue reading

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A Very Brief History of European Christian Anti-Jewish Sentiment

Born with the rise of Christianity and Roman Catholicism, anti-Jewish sentiment is an old and firmly entrenched phenomenon in Europe… Continue reading

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Why Did the Arabs Suffer “Nakba” (Disaster) in 1948 and Every Day Since?

The Arabic-speaking people are themselves the victims of the self-inflicted nakba… Continue reading

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Response to Ron Paul: Did U.S. Policy Make Today’s Islamist Iran Hate America?

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has said repeatedly that Iranians hate America because of its role in the 1953 coup overthrowing Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh… Continue reading

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South Sudan, Israel’s New Ally

It’s not every day that the leader of a brand-new country makes his maiden foreign voyage to Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Haaretz: The Paper for Thinking People?

While there is nothing new or surprising in a paper’s refusal to own up to its misreporting… Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich and the “Invented” Palestinian People

Everyone from the PLO to a Mitt Romney spokesman jumped on Gingrich for this assertion… Continue reading

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Fact-Checking Newt Gingrich and the Fact-Checkers on the Middle East

Gingrich said Palestinians are an “invented” people… Continue reading

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The Year the Arabs Discovered Palestine

Judging from news reports, one might think that Palestinian nationalism has been active as long as… Continue reading

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Morocco’s Berbers and Israel

In recent years, small groups of Moroccan Berber activists, particularly younger people, have challenged… Continue reading

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Video: Historical Facts Relating to the Issue of Refugees in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel’s Deputy FM Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the issue of refugees in the Israeli Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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Binding and Non-Binding Agreements Pertaining to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

International law has played a central role in attempting to solve the Arab-Israel conflict… Continue reading

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Does Anyone Speak Arabic?

The question of multilingualism and the decline of the Arabic language in polyglot, multiethnic Middle Eastern societies… Continue reading

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Azzam’s Genocidal Threat

Of the countless threats of violence, made by Arab and Palestinian leaders in the run up to and in the wake of the… Continue reading

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Historical Facts Relating to the Israel Palestinian Conflict and the Peace Process

Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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Jesus Christ: The – politically correct – Way

A widely syndicated article by Reuters raises a number of important ethical questions about the media today… Continue reading

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Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?

There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur’an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction… Continue reading

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The Netanyahu-Abbas Exchange That Explains Why There’s No Peace, Who’s Responsible, and What Obama Doesn’t Understand

You can read for yourselves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress. Both on regional issues and the Israel-Palestinian question… Continue reading

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Mahmoud Abbas is ‘Grossly Distorting’ Documented History

National correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Atlantic on Tuesday… Continue reading