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Is the Battle of Jisr a-Shughour the tipping-point of the uprising against Bashar Assad?

It took Syrian president six days to send troops and tanks to punish the small northern town of Jisr a-Shughour near the Turkish border… Continue reading

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How Can An American Ally Dare to Disagree With Obama? How Can It Afford Not to Do So!

The Prime Minister sounded more like a Fox News ‘contributor’ than like the leader of an ally dependent on the United States… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regime: Openly Antisemitic, Allied with Iran, Anti-American…And Glorified in the Western Media

Why is it that Anthony Shadid, the same New York Times reporter who has constantly whitewashed Syria and Hizballah now writing a glowing portrait… Continue reading

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It’s Official: I Announce My Candidacy to be Middle East Czar for the U.S. Government

A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year… Continue reading

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The People Have Voted and Barack Obama Is Not The Next “Muslim Idol”

How can anybody continue to spout nonsense about how President Barack Obama’s policies and endless attempts to… Continue reading

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Nakba Day: “Right of Return” is Central to Palestinian’ Strategy to Liberate “Palestine”

The main theme of the various Nakba Day events was the Palestinian refugees’ return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel… Continue reading

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Obama Forgets History And Thus Makes Future Disastrous History

A reader writes to me that I don’t understand how President Barack Obama is really friendly toward Israel… Continue reading

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Nakba Day as Seen by Iranian Press: “Arab Spring has come to Palestine”

This week the Iranian press has widely reported the Nakba Day events, even though they were relegated to a relatively… Continue reading

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In September, Obama’s Middle East Policy Will Collapse

Prediction: In September, President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy blows up in his (and our) face(s)… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Speech: The Opposite of Strategy Is Catastrophe

President Barack Obama’s big Middle East speech is extraordinarily important. I think that it has been largely misinterpreted… Continue reading

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President Obama’s “Reset” of Relations with Muslims and a Massacre in Pakistan

There’s something particularly poignant about news that at least 80 people were killed in Charsadda, Pakistan, by a Taliban attack on a… Continue reading

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Syria: Who Needs a Propaganda Operation When You Have the New York Times?

To be immoral is bad; to be immoral against your own interests is worse… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Yemen – Who Are The Houthis?

Given the Houthis’ opacity and the government’s exaggerated claims about their goals, it is difficult to know what exactly… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal: Any Change Coming?

Here’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Hamas-Palestinian Authority deal… Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Posthumous Fans

As so often happens, a peripheral issue has taken over the Western debate regarding the killing of Usama bin Laden… Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Death Creates Teachable Moments about the Middle East

Ding-dong, bin-Ladin’s dead. The Wicked Terrorist of the West is no more. But there are plenty more around… Continue reading

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Osama Bin Laden Is Dead And His Cause Goes Marching On

Usama bin Laden is dead. But revolutionary Islamism is very much alive and stronger than ever. Thinking that bin Laden is the main problem… Continue reading

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Obama Administration: Eager to Save Syria’s Anti-American Dictator

Before I remark on the idiotic analysis of the day, I have to write a disclaimer. Up to now I usually don’t remark on… Continue reading

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Clinton: The Situation is Unsustainable Because I Say So

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end. Thou art weighed in the balances… Continue reading

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Hamas Fires More Grads and Mortars at Southern Israeli Towns Saturday

Saturday, April 9, Hamas and its allies, acting now on Hizballah guidelines from Lebanon, fired 24 heavy Grad missiles and more than… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel – Calm Before the Storm?

Israel is deceptively calm and prosperous. The security situation inside Israel is the best since the outbreak of the Second Intifada… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Gaza with Israeli Security Chief

During an October 3 meeting with ISA (Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin, The Ambassador stressed the need to find a way to keep… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Arms Smuggling into Lebanon and the Gaza Strip

Israel Defense Intelligence officers described the smuggling routes from Iran into the Gaza Strip, arguing that Hamas is now more powerful than prior to Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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How Many Points did Iran and Islamists Score So Far this Year?

Events in the Middle East have moved so quickly that one almost needs a daily scorecard to keep up. This article will try to give a basic picture… Continue reading