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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: “Us vs. Them”

At home, the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, has promoted the Islamist mindset of “us Muslims” in conflict with “the bad others” through the media and also by spreading Hamas’ views throughout Turkey… Continue reading

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The Western Left: Non-Violent Terrorist Sympathizers

One might suggest that the present line-up is that Western governments support the Palestinian Authority while the Western left supports Hamas. The attempt is now to turn the governments in that direction as well… Continue reading

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Hizballah Spiritual Leader Muhammad Fadlallah died in a Beirut Hospital

Lebanon’s Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāh one of Shiite Islam’s main religious figures, died Sunday after a long illness. He was not a voice of moderation at all… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

“You have accomplished in eight years what no other contemporary Turkish politician could achieve. You have successfully entered the final stages in your efforts to transform Atatürk’s Turkey into an Arab-style Islamist dictatorship… Continue reading

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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan More Determined Than Ever to Provoke a Showdown With Israel

If Israelis in high official places were still slow to get the message of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s implacable anti-Israel campaign, they only had to listen… Continue reading

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Israel Braces for Iran and Lebanon Ships

The IDF is gearing up for the possible arrival next week of two flotillas of Gaza aid ships – from Iran and Lebanon. IDF sources said that the navy would intercept the ships and would operate under… Continue reading

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Profile of the Turkish Felicity Party

The Felicity Party is an Islamic party with an anti-Western and anti-Israeli agenda, which supports Hamas. Two of the party activists were killed while taking part in fighting against the IDF alongside the hard-core operatives of IHH… Continue reading

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Lebanese Gaza-Bound Ships Maybe Cancelled

The aid flotilla planned to set sail from Lebanon is supported by Syria and Hezbollah, but the Lebanese government is working towards canceling the planned flotillas to Gaza in order to calm down recent tensions in the area… Continue reading

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Gaza Aid Ship ‘Rachel Corrie’ Intercepted Off Gaza Coast

Navy ships have intercepted the boat Rachel Corrie approximately 55 kilometers from the Gaza Strip, and are calling on it to divert to Ashdod, activists on board the boat said Saturday morning. “Our mission is to break the blockade of Gaza…” Continue reading

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Turkey and Israel on the Brink of War or New “Ship Intifada”?

Against the US president Barack Obama’s bid to bridge the rift, Turkish generals are drawing up plans to break Israel’s Gaza blockade and avenge 9 deaths, while Israel is bound by its war on terror to… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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Russian President Meets Khaled Mashaal in Damascus

Before Israel’s president Shimon Peres had time to unpack his bags from his Moscow visit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was closeted with the Palestinian terrorist leader, Hamas’ Khaled Meshaal. Medvedev’s surprise meeting with the Hamas leadership was perceived as yet another slap in the face to both Washington and Jerusalem… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Middle East Disaster

Here are nine huge problems going on right now that are not being addressed by the U.S. government and are barely comprehended by the U.S. debate and large portions of the mass media… Continue reading

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Syria and Hizballah are Building a Massive Wall in Lebanon

It’s no secret that the Syrian government is highly involved in supporting terrorist groups such as the Hizballah in Lebanon. The latest plan of the Hizballah/Syrian threat to Israel is a massive fortified wall designed as an obstacle against any Israeli tank forces heading… Continue reading

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Funding Terrorism: Sources and Methods

Rachel Ehrenfeld recently wrote an article about the financing of Islamic Terrorism and Jihad with Drug Money by the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Drug money is funding the Taliban’s increasingly numerous and bolder attacks in Afghanistan. Yet, the United States has… Continue reading

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Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia – Background

Do you see much difference between what happened with Bush and Sharon and what is happening now between Obama and Netanyahu? The subversive elements in the US-Israeli relationship have been playing their role much… Continue reading

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It Is A Clash Of Civilizations

In a SPIEGEL interview, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, discusses his country’s controversial settlement policies, the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and the seeming hopelessness of the conflict with the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Syria Sends Long-Range Missiles to Hizballah

The Obama Administration has developed a new concept as an excuse for not taking action against a radical and aggressive action. Israel has charged on the basis of intelligence information that Syria has been shipping long-range missiles to Hizballah… Continue reading

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The Hariri Tribunal goes Hunting for Hizballah

Since the February 2005 assassination of Hariri and the establishment of the UN-mandated inquiry into the killing, the primary public focus of the investigation has been on Damascus. Then, in May 2009 Der Spiegel published an article that reported in great detail on how Hizballah operatives participated in the murder, and how… Continue reading

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The US-Israel Crisis and PA’s Refusal to Negotiate

It is important to understand that the current controversy over construction in east Jerusalem is neither a public relations’ problem nor a bilateral policy dispute. It arises because of things having nothing directly to do with this specific point… Continue reading

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Yitzhak Rabin’s Vision

On November 1, 1995, just three days before Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, Avner asked him why he made the Oslo agreement deal with Yasir Arafat. Rabin’s answer is… Continue reading

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The Real Arab Stuff

A common perception is that under President Barack Obama, America’s image has improved, and perhaps its friends have increased. But such claims are unfounded, as the opposite proves to be true… Continue reading

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The Anti-American and Anti-Israel Bloc

Syria, Iran and Turkey, with their great peoples and their lively peoples and their rejectionist policies are moving toward brotherhood and pledged to create a Middle East “without Zionists and without colonialists… Continue reading

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The World’s Double Standard against Israel

Yesterday, I read an interesting article from Barry Rubin about the double standard the world is showing against Israel. It reminded me of a discussion I had with a dutch (socialist) parliamentarian, Martijn van Dam, a while ago… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood’s New Leader Shows No Hope For Moderation

A key characteristic of the contemporary Brotherhood is that while moderate statements are often made in English to reporters and on the group’s English-language website, this has nothing to do with the fire-breathing extremism of its Arabic-language proclamations and positions… Continue reading