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Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini’s Initiatory Role in the Extermination of European Jewry

Haj Amin al-Husaini played a key role in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe… Read more

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Evian: The Most Fateful Conference of All Times in Jewish History

The 1938 Evian Conference and its consequences… Continue reading

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Did the Armenian Genocide Inspire Hitler?

The massacre of the Ottoman Armenians helped persuade the Nazis to exterminate national minorities as well… Continue reading

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Rising anti-Semitism at the Sunday Times?

The Sunday Times publishes anti-Semitic cartoon showing Netanyahu building a brick wall with blood of Palestinians… Continue reading

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A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day

The more things change, the more they remain the same… Continue reading

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Hitler’s Shadow – Nazis and the Middle East

Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine, the relationship between the Nazi state and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as the postwar place of the Holocaust in Arab and Muslim thinking… Continue reading

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The war against the Jews

The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds… Continue reading

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Yet another low point in the BDS Movement

Delegates at the recent General Convention of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli goods made in the West Bank… Continue reading

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Harvard, Jew haters, motherhood and Israel

Today’s crop of corrupt intellectuals of the Walt and Mearshimer variety with all their allies in academia and the media and the blogosphere and politics are seeking to delegitimize Israel… Continue reading

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A Very Brief History of European Christian Anti-Jewish Sentiment

Born with the rise of Christianity and Roman Catholicism, anti-Jewish sentiment is an old and firmly entrenched phenomenon in Europe… Continue reading

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President Ahmadinejad Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

If some European countries still use the Holocaust, after six decades, as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the Zionists… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Behind the Humanitarian Mask: The Nordic Countries, Israel, and the Jews

In the past decades many pioneering efforts to demonize Israel have come from elites of the Nordic countries… Continue reading

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Het sprookje van Brabosh en de Israël Lobby

De schrijvende Israëlbasher Lucas Catherine heeft weer een nieuw gedrocht uitgebraakt… Lees verder

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Germany: The New Kristallnacht

The German’s are as anti-Semitic as they were during WWII. Here is the sobering report… Continue reading

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The Battle for the Character of Education in the Gaza Strip

Hamas and the PIJ repeatedly demand that UNRWA not teach about the Holocaust in its schools, claiming that it is a “fabricated, twisted history” that… Continue reading

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Address by PM Netanyahu to the European Friends of Israel Conference in Jerusalem 2011

It’s very good to see all of you, to welcome you in Jerusalem. It is a great city that has great significance for each of your countries and for Europe… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Have the lessons of the Holocaust been learned?

International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, is the first universal memorial day for the victims of the Holocaust during the Nazi era which resulted in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Vaticaan Trok Zich Terug Uit Holocaust Task Force

Op 13 Oktober 2009 verbrak het Vaticaan een eerder gesloten schriftelijke overeenkomst om waarnemer te worden bij een internationale ‘Holocaust memorial’ Task Force als gevolg van spanningen over de activiteiten van paus Pius XII tijdens de… Lees verder

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Hamas Denounces UNRWA Following Palestinian Youth Delegation’s Visit to the U.S.

An UNRWA delegation of 15 Palestinian youths in UNRWA schools in the Gaza Strip who excelled in the study of human rights, conflict resolution and tolerance went to the United States for a visit. During their stay they met with members of the… Continue reading

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The Campaign to Defame Israel

Delegitimization is a political, economic and philosophic campaign aimed at reversing the right of the State of Israel to exist and denying the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their homeland… Continue reading

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Iranian Association of Nazism Website Approved by Ministry of Islamic Guidance

For the past several months, the website has been operating in Iran. It operates on behalf of an organization called the Iranian Association of Nazism and Adolf Hitler’s Supporters. The website’s homepage states that it operates in accordance with the laws of the Islamic republic… Continue reading

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Is Iran’s Regime Officially Running A Pro-Nazi Site?

Is Iran’s government sponsoring an Internet site that extols the German Nazis, their history and achievements, including the antisemitism that the current Iranian regime also supports? Or is it merely permitting one to operate in a highly censored… Continue reading

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It All Began With Boycotts

It all began with boycotts. Boycotts that were taken to defend against an imaginary Jewish threat. For info about the Nazi BDS program… Continue reading

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Iran Recently Launched a New Website About the Holocaust

Iran has recently launched a new website examining the story of the Holocaust of European Jewry through Iranian eyes. It presents the claims on the “fabrication of the Holocaust” that are prevalent in the Iranian political discourse, and argues that the Zionists have… Continue reading