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De Mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme – deel 2

De verboden tekst uit de afscheidsrede van Prof. Pieter W. van der Horst over de mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme binnen het antisemitisme en in de hedendaagse islamitische wereld… (deel 2)… Continue reading

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De Mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme – deel 1

De verboden tekst uit de afscheidsrede van Prof. Pieter W. van der Horst over de mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme binnen het antisemitisme en in de hedendaagse islamitische wereld… (deel 1)… Continue reading

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Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Amin el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was the Brotherhood’s official representative in British Mandatory Palestine. He was a close collaborator with Nazi Germany at the highest levels, including Adolf Hitler… Continue reading

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Remembering the Farhud – the Mufti Inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq

Today marks the 69th anniversary of the Farhud, the arabic Krystallnacht (1941). Looting of property and beating up of Jews took place in Baghdad, Mosul, Kirkuk, Irbil, Basrah, Amara and Fallujah. The killing of Jews took place in Baghdad alone. Today, not a single Jew is left in Iraq… Continue reading

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How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam

Deploying an Islamist may have seemed like a original and clever idea but it was neither. Western governments have been allying without success with Islamists for decades. Indeed, they have been… Continue reading

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The Alexandria Protocol

In 1942, the British War Cabinet needed the support of the colonies to survive against Nazi Germany. The British organized a dialogue with representatives of Arab countries whose outcome was the Alexandria Protocol… Continue reading

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Iran’s Intellectuals’ Views On Policy Towards Israel, Palestinians and Lebanon

A debate between two leading Iranian intellections offered a fascinating glimpse into concerns brought up since the 90s on the periphery of Iranian intellectual debate on the country’s policy towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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What Are “The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion”?

The war that the Nazis waged against the Jews was not just a war of physical annihilation. It was an international war of propaganda to convince the rest of the world of the evils of Judaism. One of the primary weapons that the Third Reich used for this international effort was a forgery… Continue reading

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The Germanification of Israel

A clueless anti Semite attacked the Jewish State on the web in an article with the above title, reviewing a book called Israeli Occupation. INN staff rebutted. Read our answers and… Continue reading

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From Europe to Eurabia

Video and transcript of Bat Ye’or’s speech, “From Europe to Eurabia”, at the International Conference on Antisemitism, Multiculturalism and Ethnic Identity… Continue reading

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Eurabia and Why Europe Hates its Jews – Again

This article outlines precisely how the Euro-Islamic Alliance cult is turning Europe into an Eurabia entity and laying the foundation for a new holocaust against the European Jews and, this time, against a national Jewish State as well: Israel… Continue reading

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De Dubbele Moraal Tegen Israel

Deze Islamitisch-Linkse opstelling laat de PVDA ook zien in de kwestie Israël en de Palestijnen. Onlangs las ik een interessant artikel van Professor Barry Rubin over de dubbele moraal die de wereld laat zien als het gaat om burgerslachtoffers… Continue reading

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A Salute to the Zionist Organization of America

De Verenigde Naties hebben een hobby die vrijwel totaal genegeerd wordt. Het is niet een gerespecteerde hobby zoals bijvoorbeeld het stoppen van het bloedvergieten… Continue reading

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Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument

Anti-Semitism, that is, anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism, is intensifying throughout the Muslim World. The significance of this virulent anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism coming from the Muslim World is in that this type of anti-Semitism goes beyond the hatred it espouses. Anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism constitute a major political instrument… Continue reading

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Mein Kampf: Best seller in Muslim Bangladesh

Hitler’s book (‘Mein Kampf’) is a top-selling Eid present among ‘educated’ Dhaka Muslims… Read more

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Tulband en Swastika – De Grootmoefti en de Nazi’s

Groot-Moefti Haj Amin Al-Hoesseini was een beruchte nazi die nazi-propaganda mengde met de Islam. Hij werd gezocht voor oorlogsmisdaden… Lees verder