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Does Money really drive Turkey’s stance toward Arab Revolts?

A narrative has emerged to explain the varied responses of the Turkish government, led by the Justice and Development Party, or… Continue reading

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Iran: Reservations over Reinstatement of Iran-Egypt Relations in the Midst of Reports on Rapprochement

Iran’s foreign minister Ali-Akbar Salehi once again announced this week that Iran is interested in improving its relations with Egypt… Continue reading

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Obama Administration: Eager to Save Syria’s Anti-American Dictator

Before I remark on the idiotic analysis of the day, I have to write a disclaimer. Up to now I usually don’t remark on… Continue reading

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U.S. Government, Media Completely Wrong on Egypt, Now Advise on Peace Process

One of my readers points out that last February I mockingly quoted the New York Times’ assurances that everything would be all right… Continue reading

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Syria: Crackdown Begins; West Does Nothing

As I predicted yesterday, the Syrian government has now started a full-scale violent crackdown against oppositionists… Continue reading

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Syria’s Biggest Crisis in 40 Years

Today [April 23] Syria has entered its biggest internal crisis since 1970. The regime has come out to crush the… Continue reading

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Obama’s Passover Message Misses the Message of Passover

There’s some controversy about President Barack Obama’s Passover message. The key passage is this… Continue reading

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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration… Continue reading

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Assassin of Anwar Sadat Explains The Law of Unintended Consequences in the Middle East

This is fascinating for a totally unexpected reason. It illustrates the law of unintended consequences, which is perhaps the single most… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Avigdor Lieberman Moves Towards Israeli Mainstream

In a meeting with the Ambassador on October 24, Yisrael Beiteinu (YB) party leader Avigdor Lieberman confirmed that he would… Continue reading

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Israel and Hamas Near a Spring War

After nearly two months of rising tension, Israel and Hamas have taken a step towards a full-blown military confrontation… Continue reading

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Obama’s Libyan Strategy: Recipe for a Deeper, Lengthier U.S. Military Role

In his Libya address to Americans early Tuesday, March 29, President Barack Obama failed to resolve the inner contradictions in… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regional Leadership in the Middle East: Principle or Realpolitik?

In stark contrast to its support for the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia, Turkey has abstained from taking a principled, democratic stand… Continue reading

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Egyptian Revolutionaries Ungrateful to Obama Administration

Who’d possibly have thought it? Answer: Anybody who understands the Middle East. You see, the Obama Administration rushed… Continue reading

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Hamas Applauds anti-Israel Position of the New Egyptian Foreign Minister

Hamas applauded Nabil al-Arabi’s statements. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called his positions “honorable” and said he… Continue reading

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History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians

How the Jihadis vandalized this ancient land and wiped out Christianity as well as the ancient culture of Egypt… Continue reading

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Hamas Tries to Exploit the Egyptian Revolution

Hamas tries to take advantage of the events in Egypt and its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood to improve its standing with the Egyptian government and to… Continue reading

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Egypt: Escaped Hezbollah Terrorist Participated in Hezbollah Rally in Beirut

Sami Shihab, a Hezbollah operative who escaped from an Egyptian prison, participated in a Hezbollah rally in Beirut. His network infiltrated… Continue reading

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Different Voices in Iran over Rapprochement with Turkey as Turkish President visits Tehran

Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul held a two-day official visit to Iran with a delegation of ministers and businessmen. Iran’s media provided extensive coverage… Continue reading

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Iran and the post-Mubarak “New Middle East”

Iran’s conservative media gave extensive coverage of President Mubarak’s resignation, claiming that the fall of the Egyptian president heralds the dawn of… Continue reading

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Egypt Licenses First Moderate Islamic Party

An Egyptian court has licensed a moderate Islamic party Saturday after its application for legal status was turned down four times by the former Egyptian… Continue reading

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Israel on High Alert for Iranian Warships’ Suez Transit Carrying Missiles for Hizballah

Cairo’s approval Friday, Feb. 18 for two Iranian warships to transit the Suez Canal on their way to the Mediterranean has brought Israel and Iran… Continue reading

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Two Iranian warships transit Suez for Syria, tighten siege on Israel

Twenty-four hours after Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Egyptian upheaval had no military connotations for… Continue reading

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Egypt: Supreme Council of Armed Forces hopes to Transfer Power to Elected President

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said it hopes to end its mission and transfer power in the next six months to a civilian authority and a president… Continue reading

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Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak’s Resignation

The Egyptian’s president’s resignation was jubilantly received in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Demonstrators marched in Ramallah holding placards… Continue reading