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German Left-Wing Activists in a Boat with Turkish Islamists and Right-Wing Extremists

All of a sudden members of the Bundestag [German parliament] from “Die Linke” [German left-wing] appear on a ship that had taken course towards Gaza. They said they wanted to… Continue reading

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Summary of Equipment and Aid Aboard the Gaza Flotilla

The IDF Transfers Humanitarian Aid From Gaza Flotilla to Gaza Strip. The Mavi Marmara did not carry any humanitarian aid… Continue reading

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Remarks by Ahmad Ibrahimi of Algerian Delegation to the Ship Intifada

Our hatred for these people is so intense that we wished, at those moments, that we could have been bombs, and blow up among those brothers of apes and pigs… Continue reading

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Video Overview of Israel Navy Interception of the Gaza Flotilla

Clip produced by official Israeli sources, describing the Israeli Navy’s interception of the Mavi Marmara of the Gaza Flotilla, which met with pre-planned violence on the part of… Continue reading

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The Violent Intentions of the IHH Operatives On Board the Mavi Marmara

The violence employed against the IDF on board the ship was not spontaneous but rather a premeditated operation. The operation was organized beforehand by IHH and implemented by a hard core of… Continue reading

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Legal Issues and Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and the Gaza Flotilla raid

Since the seizure of the Gaza Flotilla by the IDF, there’s a lot of debate going on about the legal issues of the (naval) blockade of Gaza and the raid on the Freedom Gaza Flotilla. Was the raid on the… Continue reading

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Video Recordings of Statements from Mavi Marmara Crew Members

The videotaped statements of two Mavi Marmara crew members show that preparations for a violent confrontation with IDF forces were put in motion about two hours before the boarding began… Continue reading

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Inquiry Must Investigate Gaza Flotilla Organizers

The following is a translation of remarks made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from his address to The Marker Financial Conference this week regarding the Gaza flotilla operation… Continue reading

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Obama Understands Neither Hamas Nor Israel, Neither the Middle East Nor Islamism

Aside from all this, Obama displays no strategic sense. He should make clear that the United States does not want an Iranian client, a revolutionary jihadists Taliban-like regime on the Mediterranean Sea. It should be the goal of U.S. policy to avoid… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada continues: Arab and Islamic countries and international organizations send more Gaza-bound flotillas

The aim of the flotillas is not just bringing aid to the Gaza Strip, but first and foremost to tarnish and embarrass Israel on the international scene, exerting international diplomatic pressure on it to lift the “siege” on the Gaza Strip. Most probably… Continue reading

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Iran’s Gaza-bound ships ready for clash with Israel

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured Turkish leaders that the vessels due to enter the disputed waters within days will not shrink from a head-on clash with Israel’s Navy and Air Force exclusion forces… Continue reading

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Turkish Government involved in the Gaza Flotilla

According to some people who are in a position to know: Erdoğan assured Israel that the ship’s passengers were peaceful and there would be no violence. That’s why Israel approached taking and diverting the ship in the manner it did. Is this true? I don’t know but it is definitely a story to… Continue reading

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IHH Preparations for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers

An initial analysis of statements taken from passengers aboard the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara after it was towed to the port of Ashdod show that operatives belonging to the radical Islamic Turkish IHH1 led the violent confrontation… Continue reading

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Canadian TV Falsely Implying Israel is Responsible for the Death of Gaza Babies?

Another example of the insanity and profound anti-Israel bias currently gripping mass media all over the world. If it can be blamed on Israel, it’s the world’s lead news… Continue reading

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Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip for May 30th-June 5th, 2010

This document is a detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip for May 30th- June 5th. The statistics include the amount of trucks and tons of aid imported this past week… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla is a Step Towards the Destruction of Israel

Unlike pirate operations off the coast of Somalia, carried out by one terrorist group, the daily claimed that the “Zionist regime” took over the flotilla in an act of government-sponsored piracy. That crime supports the Palestinian cause and brings the “Zionist regime” one step closer to its destruction… Continue reading

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Media Bias: Did Reuters Crop Photo’s to Show the Mavi Marmara Militants Unarmed?

The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet published some recovered photo’s (from memory cards) showing armed militants (with knives and metal rods) dragging injured soldiers below deck. Some reports said they wanted to take the injured soldiers hostage and use them as a bargain to stop the Israel navy take control… Continue reading

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Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip in 2009-2010

A detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in 2009-2010. The statistics include the amount of trucks and tons of aid imported in… Continue reading

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Remarks by PM Netanyahu at Cabinet Meeting

the entire world saw the difference between a humanitarian flotilla and a hate flotilla by violent, terrorism-supporting extremists. In both incidents, Israel used an identical procedure: We proposed that the ships unload their cargo in Ashdod port, where… Continue reading

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Radio Exchange Between Israeli Navy and 7th Flotilla Ship Regarding Transfer of Aid to Gaza

In this audio recording of the radio transmission between the Israeli Navy and the 7th flotilla ship, the Israeli Navy offers to transfer all humanitarian supplies on board to Gaza through land crossings in coordination with… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Brinkmanship Against Israel

The Gaza Flotilla was a well-calculated stunt by Turkey’s Islamist AKP government to punish Israel, not only for the Islamists’ inherent hatred for Israel and Jews, but also for Israel’s past… Continue reading

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Overview of The Pre-Planned Violence During Israel Navy Interception of Mavi Marmara

Clip produced by official Israeli sources, describing the Israeli Navy’s interception of the Mari Marmara, which met with violence on the part of the IHH-sponsored activists… Continue reading

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Israeli Navy Soldiers Board Seventh Flotilla Ship

Footage from an adjacent ship shows the Israeli Navy soldiers boarding the Rachel Corrie ship by sea, without incident. The soldiers approach in a small vessel and climb the flotilla ship’s ladder… Continue reading

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Aerial Footage of IDF Soldiers Boarding the 7th Flotilla Boat

Aerial footage from 5 June 2010 when the IDF naval commandos boarding the ship attempting to break the maritime closure of the Gaza Strip, they did so with the full compliance of the ship’s crew members… Continue reading

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IDF Navy Forces Boarded and Took Control of MV “Rachel Corrie”

IDF navy forces boarded and took control of the MV Rachel Corrie Saturday afternoon. The troops did not meet any resistance from activists attempting to break the Gaza blockade, and the operation was completed without… Continue reading