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New Ways of Responding to Extremist Islam

The West needs to invest in an ideological war against radical Islam… Read more

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Israel’s Declining Security?

How secure are Israel’s borders?… Continue reading

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The Al-Nusra Front’s Ideology

The Al-Nusra Front is inspired by Al-Qaeda’s ideology… Continue reading

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Egypt: A Teachable Moment in World History

What has just happened in Egypt is a teachable moment in world history… Continue reading

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Unlike Madonna, the Middle East Isn’t a “Material Girl”

The problem is radical ideology in command on the sides of both leaders and the masses… Continue reading

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How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Actually Say

It’s easy to see why al-Qaradawi is the leading Sunni Islamist thinker in the world today… Continue reading

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Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida

It’s time, a dozen years after September 11 and following Islamist coups in the Middle East, to rethink completely our view of al-Qaida… Continue reading

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How Serious is Erdogan about Joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Instead of the EU?

Erdoğan is not going to initiate a divorce from the EU, but he may very well hope that the Europeans will “relieve” Turkey… Continue reading

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Not a Mistake, Misunderstanding, or Well-Intended Criticism But a Deliberate Campaign to Bash Israel

The first, most important thing to understand about the Western and especially American debate on Israel… Continue reading

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Why Today’s American Foreign Policy is So UnRealistic

One of the main features of misguided contemporary foreign policy debate is the corruption of the concept of Realism… Continue reading

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Understanding Israel’s Politics and 2013 Election

It was clear before the balloting in Israel that the claims that the population was moving to the right and that democracy in Israel was imperiled, were flatly wrong… Continue reading

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Contemporary Kemalist Intellectuals: Europeanizers Against Europe?

During the last decades, Kemalism, the modernization ideology of the Republic of Turkey, has been vehemently criticized… Continue reading

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Syria: Spillover into Iraq?

Is the resurgent of Al-Qaida in Iraq a result from the growing civil war in Syria… Continue reading

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Here’s How – As With This Israel-Hamas War – Western Elites Are Baffled by the Middle East

The elite currently in power in the Western mass media is never going to comprehend the Middle East… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Invitation to Gülen: Reconciliation or Power Play?

On June 14, 2012, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan publicly invited Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the powerful Gülen Movement, to return to Turkey from self-imposed exile in the United States… Continue reading

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Islamist Utopianism Versus the Real World: The Attraction of Violence

What happens when political ideology meets real people… Continue reading

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A Sentence by the State Department Sentences The World to Disaster

If I’ve ever seen a single sentence that spells disaster in the Middle East it’s this one… Continue reading

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Latin America as an Arena for Iran and Hezbollah’s Terrorist, Subversive and Criminal Activities

Since Ahmadinejad was elected president in August 2005, Iran has extended and solidified its relations with several Latin American countries, especially Venezuela and Bolivia, and increased its efforts to obtain a political foothold in the others… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Elections: Titanic of Western Interests, Meet Iceberg of Islamist Revolutionary Zeal

Egypt will hold its presidential election May 23-24 with a possible run-off on June 16-17. It is impossible at this point to predict what’s going to happen but I can make a good guess… Continue reading

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Romney’s Road: Blast Obama’s Failures and Policy; Expose the Lies; Seize the Mainstream

What are the weaknesses of Obamaism that my “Marxist-style” analysis highlighted and how do they suggest the way in which the presidential and congressional electoral campaigns should be conducted… Continue reading

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Remolding Compulsory Education, the AKP Erases a Secularist Legacy – and Seeks to Check the Gülen Brotherhood

The passage of the bill that remolds compulsory education in Turkey erases the legacy of the secularist military intervention fifteen years ago… Continue reading

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Are You Left-Wing or Right-Wing? Hopefully, I’m Honest-and-Accurate Wing

I ran into an older, retired Israeli colleague who is a fine scholar in his field and agreed to have coffee in a nearby Tel Aviv cafe. In the ensuing conversation I learned some key things about why current intellectual and political discussion is such a wreck… Continue reading

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Can Real Liberalism and the Democratic Party Be Saved from the Radical Takeover?

The far left has at least temporarily won the battle of ideas in the United States and taken over institutions by pretending to be “liberal”… Continue reading

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Friedman Cheers as Egyptians Are Enslaved

Many in the West have so acted toward Egypt during the last year… Continue reading