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The simple truth: The Palestinians want it all

Media, “experts,” and governments finds it very hard to understand an amazing phenomena… Continue reading

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Jesus Christ: The – politically correct – Way

A widely syndicated article by Reuters raises a number of important ethical questions about the media today… Continue reading

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The “Oslo Syndrome” and the Terror Attack in Norway

One of the most sensitive aspects of the very sensitive subject of the murderous terrorist attack in Norway by… Continue reading

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Anders Behring Breivik and Totalitarian Democrats

Last Friday morning, Anders Breivik burst onto the international screen when he carried out a monstrous act of terrorism against… Continue reading

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Obama Era Updates Famous Charles Atlas, “97 Pound Weakling” Ad

A skinny guy and pretty young woman in a bikini are walking on the beach… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood’s struggle against the various Egyptian regimes and other challenges facing it

In its 83-year existence, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has become the largest socio-religious movement… Continue reading

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Why Is the U.S. in Libya? Good Question

Listening to President Barack Obama talk about the administration’s Libya policy is a strange experience… Continue reading

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Al Qaeda – Mombassa Attacks 28 November 2002

On June 11, 2011 Somali police reported that Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, one of Africa’s most wanted al-Qaeda operatives, was killed… Continue reading

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Egypt and Lebanon: Things Just Keep Getting Worse

Is there a pattern here? I guess I’m going to be writing a series of “things keep getting worse” articles for some time to come… Continue reading

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Egypt Is The New Iran

To put it simply, what has happened in Egypt is not just the undoing of the “Mubarak regime” but the undoing of the “Sadat regime,” that is… Continue reading

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Pro-Palestinian Activists Set for Mass ‘Fly-In’ to Israeli Airport as Part of Int’l Campaign to Delegitimize Israel

Anti-Israeli organizations examine implementing propaganda displays based on flying large numbers of activists to Ben-Gurion Airport on commercial flights… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Muslim Problem”

The idea that President Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim is ridiculous… Continue reading

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The Key to Obama’s Foreign Policy: The World Turned Upside Down

I think I’ve made a breakthrough in understanding President Barack Obama’s foreign policy of punishing friends, rewarding enemies, and… Continue reading

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Arab World: Onward to Revolutionary Violence Or Let’s Be Cautious?

MEMRI has translated several Arab reactions to the “Nakba Day” marches on Israel’s border… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy: To Understand the Middle East Why Not Study The Real Middle East?

A lot of people may think that I’m too tough on President Barack Obama and the New York Times. Yet every day they do something that… Continue reading

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Is the AKP that “Vanquished” the Military Caught in the Trap of Militarism?

There is a grim irony to the fact that while the AKP’s 2007 victory represented a defeat for the military, victory four years later requires… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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Obama: Muslim Outreach 2.0

On Thursday, President Obama will “reach out” yet again to what he insists on calling “the Muslim world.” Think of it as… Continue reading

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The Middle East: The Possible/Probable Main Crisis for 2012

Save this note. Last year I predicted that Egypt’s instability might well be the big story of 2011. Why wait until December… Continue reading

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The Foreign Policy Elite and Bureaucracy Starts Parting Ways with Obama

Perhaps the most important policymaking development of the last month has been President Barack Obama’s increasingly visible loss of… Continue reading

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The Roots of U.S. Policy Insanity in the Middle East and the Cure

Why is U.S. and European policy toward the Middle East so off-base, and why do policymakers believe the strange things they think and… Continue reading

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Obama Foreign Policy Is Ignorant and Stupid Rather Than a Conspiracy

The most common question — or remark — that I get from readers is to say that I’m wrong to talk about how Western policymakers… Continue reading

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U.S. Government, Media Completely Wrong on Egypt, Now Advise on Peace Process

One of my readers points out that last February I mockingly quoted the New York Times’ assurances that everything would be all right… Continue reading

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Why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Will Speak to Congress

To try to turn American liberals and Democrats — and especially Jews — against Israel on the pretext that they are only opposing Israel’s… continue reading

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The Anti-Democratic Super-Weapon: The Middle Easternization of the West

I have long thought that we are experiencing what might be called the Middle Easternization of the West but never fully understood it until… Continue reading