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Romney Lays It Out: Progress and Success Versus Name-Calling And Bragging About Being Victims

The economic history of the world has shown that “culture makes all the difference”… Continue reading

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Economy: Are the Generals stealing Egypt?

After public warnings that it faces bankruptcy within a few months… Continue reading

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When will Egypt go broke?

With demonstrators back on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Western media outlets once again are focused on the demands of urban protesters… Continue reading

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Economy: Humpty Obumpty and the Arab Spring

Pay close attention to this article by the analytical artist who calls himself “Spengler.” He has been arguing… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Economy: A Trump Card for the AKP in the June Elections

Less than a month from now, Turkish citizens will go to the polls to cast their votes in the Republic’s seventeenth general election… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: VS Oefende Druk Uit Op Britse FSA Om Op Te Treden Tegen Iraanse Financiële Instellingen

Uit op WikiLeaks vrijgegeven Amerikaanse documenten blijkt dat hooggeplaatste Amerikaanse functionarissen er twee jaar geleden bij de Britse financiële toezichthouder (FSA) op aandrongen om verregaande maatregelen te nemen tegen Iraanse banken die verdacht werden van de financiering van… Lees verder