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The Libyan Al-Quds 5 Convoy Reaches the Gaza Strip

Some of the activists of the Libyan Al-Quds 5 convoy flew to the El Arish airport in Egypt on January 4 and 5. Each plane held 20 activists and 80 tons of medical and other humanitarian equipment. The equipment entered… Continue reading

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The Israel Apartheid Week: Codes of Incitement

Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual event. Its purpose is to virally spread the demonization and the delegitimization of the Jewish State. This year… Continue reading

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Basij Students Threaten to Destroy Esther and Mordecai Tomb

This week, Basij students from Bu Ali Sina University held a protest rally against Israel’s alleged intention to damage the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. A memorandum of opinion published by the students last weekend said that after years during which the… Continue reading