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Lebanese Gaza-Bound Ships Maybe Cancelled

The aid flotilla planned to set sail from Lebanon is supported by Syria and Hezbollah, but the Lebanese government is working towards canceling the planned flotillas to Gaza in order to calm down recent tensions in the area… Continue reading

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Scenarios for an Israeli attack in Iran

A war between the two countries would result in widespread destruction in Iran; however, such a war would spell the end of Israel. Unlike the Israelis, who would… Continue reading

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Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Since the violent confrontation aboard the ship Mavi Marmara, a great deal of information accumulated making it possible to identify the nine Turkish nationals killed in the confrontation, as well as to analyze their affiliation and political and ideological… Continue reading

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Hamas uses cement for military needs

reliable intelligence indicates that Hamas uses cement for military needs as part of its overall strategy of giving priority to its military infrastructure… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada to the Gaza Strip

The results of the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, the international media waves it made and especially the international pressure on Israel made many countries and organizations declare their intention to send more flotillas… Continue reading

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Inflaming Emotions Aboard the Mavi Marmara and Preparations Before the Confrontation with the IDF

More videos: Inflaming emotions aboard the Mavi Marmara and additional evidence of the preparations of the hard core of IHH operatives for the confrontation with the IDF… Continue reading

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The Violent Intentions of the IHH Operatives On Board the Mavi Marmara

The violence employed against the IDF on board the ship was not spontaneous but rather a premeditated operation. The operation was organized beforehand by IHH and implemented by a hard core of… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada continues: Arab and Islamic countries and international organizations send more Gaza-bound flotillas

The aim of the flotillas is not just bringing aid to the Gaza Strip, but first and foremost to tarnish and embarrass Israel on the international scene, exerting international diplomatic pressure on it to lift the “siege” on the Gaza Strip. Most probably… Continue reading

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IHH Preparations for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers

An initial analysis of statements taken from passengers aboard the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara after it was towed to the port of Ashdod show that operatives belonging to the radical Islamic Turkish IHH1 led the violent confrontation… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla is a Step Towards the Destruction of Israel

Unlike pirate operations off the coast of Somalia, carried out by one terrorist group, the daily claimed that the “Zionist regime” took over the flotilla in an act of government-sponsored piracy. That crime supports the Palestinian cause and brings the “Zionist regime” one step closer to its destruction… Continue reading

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Involvement of IHH in Supporting the Global Jihad

IHH had links to global jihad and Islamic terrorist networks in the past and assisted jihadist terrorist cells in many countries, including Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya. IHH provided mainly logistic support for transporting weapons and funding… Continue reading

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Islamic Dress Code: Students Denied Entry to Tehran University

The official in charge of security in Tehran University has announced this week that the university started preventing students who do not abide by the Islamic dress code from entering the campus grounds… Continue reading

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The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla

Prominent among the coalition organizations participating in the Gaza flotilla for the Gaza Strip is the Turkish “Insani Yardim Vakfi,” a radical Islamic organization… Continue reading

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Humanitarian Aid as a Cover for Anti-Semitism

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation. Besides its legitimate philanthropic activities, it supports radical Islamic networks… Continue reading

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The Aid Flotilla for the Gaza Strip

The departure of the Turkish ship was accompanied by a well-attended rally in the Istanbul port. Thousands of people came, among them senior Turkish political figures. Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, chairman of the northern faction… Continue reading

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Diverse and Contrasting Reactions about Iran’s Nuclear Agreement

The agreement signed this week, under which Iran is to transfer 1200 kg of low-enriched uranium in exchange for nuclear fuel for the Tehran research reactor, has provoked diverse and contrasting reactions among Iran’s… Continue reading

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The Freedom Flotilla

Israel said it will not allow solidarity ships to reach the Gaza coast while media reports indicated that the Israeli Navy was ordered to prevent the humanitarian ships from reaching Gaza, even if this means using military force against… Continue reading

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Russian President Meets Khaled Mashaal in Damascus

Before Israel’s president Shimon Peres had time to unpack his bags from his Moscow visit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was closeted with the Palestinian terrorist leader, Hamas’ Khaled Meshaal. Medvedev’s surprise meeting with the Hamas leadership was perceived as yet another slap in the face to both Washington and Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Iran’s Intellectuals’ Views On Policy Towards Israel, Palestinians and Lebanon

A debate between two leading Iranian intellections offered a fascinating glimpse into concerns brought up since the 90s on the periphery of Iranian intellectual debate on the country’s policy towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: “a Flotilla of Aid”

The flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip is in its final preparations before setting sail to the Gaza Strip; reports say that the first ships are scheduled to leave… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: An Update

According to the Free Gaza organization, the flotilla of aid is expected to leave for the Gaza Strip on May 24. The Hamas administration makes preparations to receive the flotilla… Continue reading

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Use of Foreign Words Banned in Iranian Movie Names

Iran’s government has recently decided to ban the use of foreign words in commercials and on billboards. Karimi noted that his ministry also intended to ban the use of Latin letters on bags, shoes, and writing utensils for students… Continue reading

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Stricter Enforcement of Islamic Dress Code Ahead of Iran’s Summer Season

Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has said this week that the authorities intended to implement the Islamic dress code enforcement program in the country. This year the program will apply to men as well… Continue reading

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Tensions Escalate Once Again Between UAE And Iran

Political tensions between Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reached new levels this week following a statement made last week by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE foreign minister, comparing the Iranian occupation of the three disputed islands… Continue reading

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Kyrgyzstan Coup Through Iranian Eyes

The coup in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, in which masses of demonstrators managed to topple the government of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and force him out of his country, drew considerable interest in Iran as well… Continue reading