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The Palestinian Authority Continues to Use Terrorists as Role Models

The Palestinian Authority continues to use terrorists as Role Models. On April 20, a street in Ramallah was named after Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), the former leader of the Fatah military wing and responsible for several terrorist attacks… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada

Update: The Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are planning a flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip. The coordinators of the “ship intifada” want to avoid confrontation with the Egyptians but are taking into account confrontation with the Israeli navy backed by media and diplomatic campaigns… Continue reading

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Pro-Palestinian Organizations Plan to Bring Humanitarian Aid To Gaza

The de facto Hamas administration and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are planning to organize an international voyage of several ships to the Gaza Strip. Apparently the organizers of the voyage (called the “intifada of the ships” by Jamal al-Khudri) are planning to provoke confrontations with the Israeli Navy… Continue reading

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The Political Situation and Jerusalem

This past week anti-Israeli incitement continued in the Palestinian Authority and The Quartet calls on Israel to freeze building in the settlements and not to destroy buildings in Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Turning Shaheeds into Role Models

Fatah unofficially inaugurated the Dalal al-Magribi Square in Al-Bireh, named after a Fatah terrorist who participated in the mass-murder attack on Israel’s Coastal Road (1978)… Continue reading

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US-Israel Tensions Attract Interest from Iranian Media

The US-Israel tensions have drawn considerable attention from Iranian media this week. Major dailies and news websites have reported on the disagreements between the American administration and the Israeli government over the continuation of building in Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Sadegh Zibakalam Warns that Iran Must Not Reject West’s Nuclear Proposal

Professor Sadegh Zibakalam, one of Iran’s top reformist intellectuals, called on the Iranian leadership this week to accept the West’s proposal regarding the transfer of enriched uranium abroad in exchange for nuclear fuel, warning against… Continue reading

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Hamas and the Terrorist Threat from the Gaza Strip

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center published a comprehensive report providing a response to the Goldstone Report regarding the activities and nature of Hamas and the nature of the terrorist threat from the Gaza Strip. It presents the results of a comparison between the Goldstone Report and the factual findings, and the conclusions drawn from the comparison… Continue reading

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New Initiative in Iran to Reinforce Gender Segregation

In the past week, Iranian media reported on several new initiatives designed to reinforce gender segregation in Iranian society. Reformist elements, on the other hand, criticized the proposal, claiming that it was both impossible and undesirable to separate men and women everywhere… Continue reading

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The Iranian regime and its theological elite regarding the nuclear issue

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a religious authority and Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, implies in a theological-political book that Iran must acquire a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel Front

Iranian president Ahmadinejad visits Syria and meets with terrorist organization heads and the heads of the Palestinian terrorist organizations meet with the upper echelons of Iran… Continue reading

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Britain as a Focus for Hamas Political, Propaganda and Legal Activities in Europe

For more than a decade, Britain has been a focus for Hamas’ political, propaganda and even legal activities in Europe. As far as Hamas is concerned, such activities have been successful and produced results. In fact, Hamas, with Muslim Brotherhood support, has managed to take over… Continue reading

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Hamas Legitimizes the Rocket Attacks at Israel

As part of the response to the Goldstone Report that defines the rocket attacks as a “crime of war”, Hamas’s judicial system brings up claims legitimizing the rocket attacks at Israel and rejecting the legitimacy of the State of Israel… Continue reading

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Hamas Initiates Anti-Israeli Activities in Europe

Muhammad Kazem Sawalha is a Hamas activist living in Britain who in the past was involved in operational activities in Judea and Samaria. He is personally involved in preparations to… Continue reading

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Hamas Promises to Continue Terrorism until Israel Is Destroyed

Hamas will never give up the option of resistance, no matter how long it takes. Khaled Mashaal said only “liberating” the (Palestinian) land, “restoring” Jerusalem and… Continue reading

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Egypt President Hosni Mubarak Attacks Hamas

The tension between Hamas and Egypt continued, following the building of the barrier along the Egyptian-Gaza Strip border and various incidents… Continue reading

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Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi and Anti-Semitic Speeches

In a speech given to the Revolutionary Guards, Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, accused the Jews and the Zionist of corruption and fanning resistance against the regime as part of their effort to take over the world and destroy Islam… Continue reading

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Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the Political Crisis in Iran

In the wake of the Ashura riots, Mir Hossein Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the crisis; the conservatives’ approach is still as aggressive and non-compromising as ever… Continue reading

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The Political Platform of the New Lebanese Government

The political platform of the new Lebanese government reflects an attempt to find common ground between the political factions. It also demonstrates the limitations of Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his supporters in dealing with Hezbollah, which has reinforced its internal Lebanese legitimacy… Continue reading

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Iran blames Foreign Countries for Internal Political Unrest

The reinforcing and institutionalizing of the protest against the Iranian regime, as exemplified by the riots during Ashura, have made it necessary for the regime to assign increasing blame to foreign countries. Tehran has accused Israel, the United States and Britain of planning… Continue reading

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The Riots of Ashura: Reformist Opposition continues in Iran

Iran’s ongoing political crisis, which began following the presidential elections, spread to the Shi’ite mourning rituals (Tasu’a and Ashura) marked early last week… Continue reading

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Egypt Constructing a Wall along the Egypt-Gaza Border

The Egyptians have begun the construction of an underground wall along the Egypt-Gaza Strip border. The wall, made of steel plates, will be nine kilometers (5.6 miles) long and very deep. It is being built to prevent smuggling from Egypt to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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Al-Tawthiq and its Anti-Israel Campaign

A Hamas “ministry of justice” committee called Al-Tawthiq (Documentation) claims to be behind the arrest warrant issued in Britain for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. It is part of the Hamas campaign to pursue Israelis in Europe in the name of the victims of Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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Has Hizbullah changed?

Some Western analysts believe the political manifesto published in the wake of Hizbullah’s 7th General Conference at the end of November 2009 represented a fundamental change in Hizbullah policy. But has Hizbullah really changed… Continue reading

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The unilateral establishment of a Palestinian State?

Recently several statements have been made by senior members of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority regarding plans to unilaterally declare the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital, and to that end to appeal to the the Security Council… Continue reading