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Diplomatic Incident Between Iran and Turkey on “Slaughter of Armenians”

A vice president’s mention of the slaughter of the Armenian people in World War I has sparked a diplomatic incident between Iran and Turkey this week. Speaking at a conference titled… Continue reading

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Iranian Criticism of Russia Escalates Following Russian President’s Statement

Iranian top officials have reacted strongly last week to a statement made by Russia’s president Dmitry Medvedev, who warned that Iran is close to acquiring the means to… Continue reading

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World Zionism Blamed for Brazil’s and Argentina’s Defeat in the World Cup Soccer

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki expressed his satisfaction over the defeat of the US, England, and France at the World Cup in South Africa. Referring to the failure of the… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada continues: Arab and Islamic countries and international organizations send more Gaza-bound flotillas

The aim of the flotillas is not just bringing aid to the Gaza Strip, but first and foremost to tarnish and embarrass Israel on the international scene, exerting international diplomatic pressure on it to lift the “siege” on the Gaza Strip. Most probably… Continue reading