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Parallel Betrayals: Iranian Revolution and Arab Spring

Many are the lessons to be learned between the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the current revolutions of the Arab world… Continue reading

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Subversion and Exporting the Islamic Revolution in Latin America

Iran invests considerable resources in its battle for hearts and minds and in exporting the Iranian revolution in Latin American countries… Continue reading

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Do Iraqi Documents Give Some Hints About the Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Strategy?

While an analogy doesn’t prove the point, I think that contemporary Iranian thinking is equivalent… Continue reading

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood, Sensing Power, Now Opposes Protests as Zionist Plot

Here’s how revolutions — at least ultimately undemocratic ones — work… Continue reading

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How The Bizarre World of Middle East Studies Messes Up U.S. Foreign Policy

Engaging in Middle East studies, as Lawrence says about putting your hand in a flame, hurts. The trick “is not minding that it hurts” and… Continue reading

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Islamists Don’t Want to be America’s “Buddies”

The thing I fear most is foreign intervention. Our people and societies must realize that their main enemy abroad is the U.S. and the Zionist gang… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Elections, Disarray in Both Conservative and Reformist Camps, Moussavi too Unknown for Many

Iranian analysts in Iran and the UK see no clear trends or emerging patterns in the campaigns of candidates for President in the run… Continue reading

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Rejects Khamenei Calls for Iran-style Islamic State

Egypt’s main opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, have rejected calls by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei for an Islamic Revolution similar to… Continue reading

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Iranian Students Urge Muslims to Chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ in Solidarity with Egyptians, Tunisians

The Association of Unity among Muslim Students called on Muslims around the world to chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ (God is Great) slogan on Thursday night in a unified move to voice their solidarity… Continue reading

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Tunisia and “Moderate Islamists”: Rachid Ghanouchi Says it All

It’s true that Tunisia’s Islamist movement is less radical than that in other Arab countries. But it really says a lot that Rachid Ghanouchi, the most… Continue reading

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Do Egyptians Want a Relatively Secular, Stable Democracy?

Here is the real issue: What do the masses want? Remember, it is the people of Egypt — especially in an election — that will determine the outcome, not just… Continue reading

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Iranian Regime Expresses Satisfaction over Egypt Revolt; Reformists Express Support, Frustration

The violent riots in Egypt drew considerable public attention in many countries this week, and Iran was no exception. Similarly to the fall of Tunisia’s President… Continue reading

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Iranian Opposition Leader Mousavi on Egypt and Tunisia Rebellions

It is interesting to point out that there are two Iranian models for what’s happening now. I am not saying that anyone is consciously thinking in these terms… Continue reading

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The Revolt in Egypt and U.S. Policy

There is no good policy for the United States regarding the uprising in Egypt but the Obama Administration may be adopting something close to the worst option… Continue reading

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Revolt in Tunisia: When Arab Regimes Do (and Do Not) Tremble

Is the Arab world really in shock over the Tunisian upheaval? Is this really a symptom for a coming upheaval in the Arab world… Continue reading

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Conservative Camp Steps Up Criticism of Ahmadinejad

Criticism of President Ahmadinejad by the conservative camp has reached new peaks this week. In an extended interview granted by conservative Majles member Ali Motahari to Soroush, a weekly affiliated with Iran Broadcasting, he claimed that… Continue reading

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Why the Islamic Republic of Iran has Survived

In the hectic months of 1979—before the Islamic Republic had been officially declared—many Iranians as well as foreigners, confidently predicted its imminent demise… Continue reading

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Iran Hostage Crisis – Letter from Carter to Khomeini

The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States (during the Jimmy Carter Administration) where 53 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students and militants took over the American embassy. United States President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to Ayatollah Khomeini asking the release of the American Hostages… Continue reading

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The Legacy of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and today’s Global Islam

A study on Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiny and his Shia legacy… Continue reading