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Which Way for Syria? Listen to the Sermons

The closer one gets to ground level in the Middle East, the crazier things become… Continue reading

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What Is Sweden’s Biggest Problem? Just Guess!

The New York Times recently ran an article on Sweden, much of it on the city of Malmo. That place has a high proportion of Muslim residents some of… Continue reading

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Why Do Iranians And Turks Want Arabs To Fight Jews?

If you want to understand how the debate goes in the Arabic-speaking world and the ways liberals there try to get across their message, there’s nothing better to read than Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed’s article, “Erdogan…Fulfill Your Promises.” It’s also very easy to misunderstand… Continue reading

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Short of war

Advocating sanctions against ones homeland is as strange as advocating for ones extended family to go without, so there better be a damn good reason(s) for such odd advocacy… Continue reading

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Political slogans on money bills

Morteza Tala’i, chairman of the Tehran municipality Culture Committee, called upon Iran’s authorities last week to take measures against the phenomenon of writing political slogans on money bills, which has become widespread in recent months… Continue reading