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Iranian Diplomacy Oil and Atom Conference: Different Voices On Nuclear Issue

Attended by diplomats, academia members, and students, the conference was aimed to look into the similarities between the nationalization of the oil industry in the early 1950s by PM Mohammad Mossadegh and Iran’s current nuclear program… Continue reading

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Israeli Cabinet Will Only Consider A Final US 90-Day Settlement Freeze Proposal

Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu briefed his Cabinet Sunday on the U.S. 90-day settlement freeze proposal to entice Israel to renew limits on settlement construction and revive stalled peace talks with the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Iran Wants Recognition From The West As A Nuclear State

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast announced this week that Iran had repeatedly expressed willingness to resume negotiations with the West and had already clarified its position on the principles on which such negotiations should be based… Continue reading

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What Effect Will The U.S. Elections Have On Its Middle East Policy?

What effect will the congressional elections have on U.S. foreign policy generally and Middle East policy in particular? It isn’t a matter of the individual candidates, since nobody lost or won who will have some big influence on U.S. policy in the next couple of years. The important factor is… Continue reading

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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2006 Letter to President George W. Bush

On may 08, 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush discussing the role of religion in foreign policy matters, the U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-Israel relationship, human rights (Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib prison), the establishment of the State of Israel and Iran’s right to nuclear program. In the letter, Ahmadinejad criticizes Bush and suggests that… Continue reading

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Iran Sets Conditions Ahead of Resumption of Talks With the West

President Ahmadinejad stated this week that Iran is willing to resume talks on its nuclear program with the G5+1 (United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) if they are based on “dignity and justice”. That was the president’s reply to an announcement made by EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton according… Continue reading

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Iran Claims It Produces 30 kg Of 20-Percent Enriched Fuel

Ali Akbar Salehi, Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the country has produced roughly 30 kg of 20-percent enriched fuel so far, ISNA News Agency reported… Continue reading

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Iran Says S-300 Missile System Should Have Been Delivered Two Years Ago

Iranian Minister of Defense Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said S-300 anti-aircraft missile system should have been delivered to Iran 2 years before the UN Security Council resolution 1929 was passed in June 2010… Continue reading

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Russian Nuclear Experts Leaving Iran

One of the Russian nuclear staffers, questioned in Moscow Sunday, Oct. 3 by Western sources, confirmed that many of his Russian colleagues had decided to leave with their families after team members were detained for questioning at the beginning of last week. He refused to give… Continue reading

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Iran On Special Alert As Worm Virus Hits Industry Computer Systems

Mehr News Agency reported this week that the Telecommunications and Industry ministries are on high alert for a worm virus discovered in control and monitoring systems of Iran’s industrial complexes. In recent days, Western media have reported that the worm, nicknamed “Stuxnet”, targets… Continue reading

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Broad-Based Support for President Ahmadinejad’s Speech to UN General Assembly

This week, Iranian media and top officials commended President Ahmadinejad for the speech given to the UN General Assembly last Thursday (September 23). In his address, the president claimed that the majority of the American people as well as other… Continue reading

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Foreign Minister of Turkey Says Turkish Relationship With Israel Might Be A Permanent Problem

On thursday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that the relationship between Turkey and Israel might be a permanent problem, because Turkish civilians were killed during Israel’s raid on the Mavi Marmara… Continue reading

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Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Churkin Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

During the resumed direct Palestinian-Israeli talks the parties must demonstrate political will and do their utmost for their success. In this connection, the decision by the Israeli authorities not to extend the moratorium on Israeli settlement activities raises serious concern. A way out should be found from the resulting situation to make sure that the negotiations continue… Continue reading

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Foreign Minister of UAE Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

The United Arab Emirates believes that achievement of peace in the Middle East and resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict are central and vital to the
achievement of peace and security in the entire region. And this cannot be realized without ending the Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian and other Arab Territories and its withdrawal to the line of 4 June 1967, including East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the remaining occupied territories in Southern Lebanon, in order to… Continue reading

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Foreign Minister of Syria Al-Moualem Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

We have the will to make реаcе and we аrе the masters of оur decision, which is unwavering. The Occupied Syrian Golan is not negotiable nor is it а bargaining chip. Recognition of the fact that it must bе returned fully is the basis оn which реаcе making arrangements should bе made… Continue reading

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President Gul Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

Permanent реасе in the Middle East holds the key to а peaceful and stable future in the world. Unfortunately, the absence of реасе there has had serious and adverse strategic consequences for the rest of the world… Continue reading

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President Ahmadinejad Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

After about one hundred years of domination, the system of Capitalism and the existing world order has proved to be unable to provide appropriate solution to the problems of societies, thus coming to an end. I shall try to examine the two main causes of this failure and picture some features of the ideal future order… Continue reading

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Obama’s UN Speech: More Revealing Than Effective

President Barack Obama’s speech to the UN, September 23, 2010, is revealing on several levels. Indeed, I learned something very important about his foreign policy. But that’s at the end. He began by discussing terrorism as if it is carried out by… Continue reading

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Iran under cyber threat as Obama offers nuclear negotiations

The United States has embarked on a clandestine cyber war against Iran and that Israel has established elite cyber war units for this purpose. Obama has resolved to deal with the nuclear impasse with Iran by going after the Islamic republic on two tracks… Continue reading

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Understanding the Middle East: The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior

This analysis identifies patterns exhibited by the Iranian government and the Iranian people since ancient times. Most importantly, it identifies critical elements of Iranian culture that have been systematically ignored by policymakers for decades… Continue reading

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Iran Crosses Critical Line For Nuclear-Arming Missiles

Iran has crossed the critical nuclear threshold taking it nearer to being able to arm ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, weapons inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reported last week… Continue reading

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Victory for Iran, Failure for Western Policy

Last week, the Iranian press extensively covered the launch of the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, presenting it as a tremendous achievement for Iran and a crushing defeat for the Western policy of sanctions and threats… Continue reading

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Obama and Netanyahu’s Assent to Bushehr – a Slippery Slope for Israel’s Security

The Obama administration and Netanyahu government greeted the start-up of Iran’s first nuclear reactor at Bushehr with extraordinary meekness, given the grim military and strategic hazards it represents for the region and Israel in particular… Continue reading

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Iran begins fueling first nuclear reactor

After years of delays, the fueling of the Bushehr plant in southern Iran marks the startup of a facility for energy production that the U.S. once hoped to block as a way… Continue reading

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Are You an Optimist or are you a Pessimist?

Can you answer today’s quiz? Iran’s Ahmadinejad is threatening Israel and the “great Satan” (the U.S.) with it’s nuclear program. What to do… Continue reading