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Theodicy and Immigration: The Hole at the Center of Islamic Theology

What does this have to do with Islamic refugees to Europe?… Read more

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Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic

The raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace… Read more

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Why Western Nations Should Only Accept Christian Refugees

The progressive mindset — which dominates Western governments, media, and academia — taking in refugees has little to do with altruism and everything to do egoism: It matters little who is really being persecuted… Read more

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The Arab States and the Refugees

The refugee crisis has exposed the abject failure of the EU, the UN, the OIC or anybody else to criticize the bloated Arab nations of the Gulf… Read more

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Pastor McConnell Meets Islam

In Northern Ireland, muslims are using hate speech laws to silence christians… Read more

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The Textual Debacle of the Birmingham “Qur’an”

What can we learn from the Birmingham Qur’an… Read more

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The ISIS Worm in Time

What’s wrong with Islam?… Read more

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What Extremist Islam Thrives On

Victims of extremist Islam… Continue reading

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After Paris and Copenhagen: The Real Threat to Europe

The violent takeover of Europe… Continue reading

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Islam: Banned for Blasphemy?

What do we do with Islam’s core religious texts, which slanders, denigrates and blackens the reputation of other religions… Continue reading

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Obama’s ‘Crusades’ Idiocy

Obama’s interpretation of history… Continue reading

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ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization

Overall analysis of a jihadi terrorist organisation… Continue reading

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The Historical Roots and Stages in the Development of ISIS

The roots and development of ISIS… Continue reading

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ISIS’s Ideology and Vision, and their Implementation

A Sunni Islamic extremist organization… Continue reading

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ISIS’s Military Achievements in Iraq and the Establishment of its Governmental Systems

ISIS’ military campaign in northern and western Iraq… Continue reading

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ISIS Establishes Itself in Eastern and Northern Syria

ISIS has established a governmental infrastructure in areas under its control and is brutally imposing Islamic religious law on the local population… Continue reading

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ISIS’s Financial and Military Capabilities

ISIS’s capabilities: the number of its operatives, control system, military strength, leadership, allies and financial capabilities… Continue reading

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Exporting Terrorism and Subversion to the West and the Arab World

ISIS is working to extend its influence to other jihadi organizations and networks in the Middle East and around the globe… Continue reading

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ISIS’s Propaganda Machine

ISIS has an effective propaganda machine and regards the battle for hearts and minds as particularly important… Continue reading

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The American Campaign against ISIS

America underestimated ISIS as a potential but not immediate security threat… Continue reading

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ISIS Response to the American Campaign

ISIS’s policy towards the United States changed when the United States identified ISIS as a serious political and security threat… Continue reading

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After Paris: Charlie and Ahmed

Good muslim, bad muslim… Continue reading

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European Ignorance

Jihad will not ignore Europe… Continue reading

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The New “Moderates”: ISIS Fig Leaf for Other Extremists

Muslim groups condemning ISIS: not the moderates you think they are… Continue reading