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Tension between Egypt and Hamas

The construction of the underground barrier by Egypt is a major cause for concern for Hamas, considering the negative impact it will likely have on the smuggling industry. That industry, which includes smuggling weapons and civilian goods, is a major component in the military buildup of Hamas… Continue reading

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The Resistance Strategy

“Resistance” is the slogan used by Syria, Hamas, and Hizballah especially but also is used by Iran’s regime, other Lebanese supporters of the Iran-Syria bloc, and assorted radicals throughout the region. While the word has echoes for any Western… Continue reading

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Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the Political Crisis in Iran

In the wake of the Ashura riots, Mir Hossein Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the crisis; the conservatives’ approach is still as aggressive and non-compromising as ever… Continue reading

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Radical Islamism – a prologue

A young American named Ramy Zamzam, arrested in Pakistan for trying to fight alongside the Taliban, responded in an interview with the Associated Press: “We are not terrorists. We are jihadists, and jihad is not terrorism… Continue reading

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Islam Fysiologisch Gewelddadig en Historisch Conflictueus

Allam, geboren in Egypte in 1952, typeerde zich in Italië altijd als een niet-praktiserende moslim. Hij staat bekend als een pleitbezorger van interreligieuze tolerantie. Ook is hij een fel criticus van islamitisch extremisme. Omdat hij in moslimkringen wordt beschouwd als afvallige, ontvangt hij geregeld doodsbedreigingen… Continue reading

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Jihad and Islamic Theology

When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British Jihadi Network, a series of semi-autonomous British Muslim terrorist groups linked by a single ideology, I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people… Continue reading

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The Crusades and Islam

We often hear so-called “experts” in the West say that especially the Crusades have been the main cause for the negative attitude of Muslims towards the so-called “Christian countries,” which is totally wrong given the… Continue reading

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Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps

Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps (Sepāh e Pāsdārān e Enqelāb e Eslāmi) staat in Iran ook bekend als de ‘Pasdaran’ en als ‘Sepah’. Deze uit ideologisch gedreven en streng geselecteerde vrijwilligers bestaande eenheid – die geheel los staat van het Iraanse leger – werd… Continue reading

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Lees tussen de ‘leugens’

We horen vaak dat de Islam een religie van vrede is. En ik ken enkelen die aan deze beschrijving voldoen. Maar landen die een bijna 100% Islamitische bevolking hebben – Afghanistan, Somalië, Saoudi-Arabië en Jemen – lijken alles behalve vredig… Continue reading

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Iran and the rise of fundamentalism

Throughout his political life, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh did his best to maintain a cordial relationship with the religious community in Iran. Though firmly secular, Mossadegh was keenly aware that in the composition of Iranian society, Islam and the Shi’ite faith had deep roots… Continue reading

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Islamitische bloemen en liefde

Wereldwijd valt er nogal wat aan te merken op de islam. Met de koran devoot op de achtergrond wordt er op grote schaal geterroriseerd, onderdrukt, uitgebuit en gemoord, maar hier te lande ijveren moslims zich in liefdesepistels schrijven en bloemschikken om de enige echte islamcriticus onder te bedelven… Continue reading

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Hamas continues its policy of terrorism against Israel

Khaled Mashaal makes it clear that Hamas is determined to continue the path of “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) and that “other statements are political maneuvers.” He reveals that Hamas uses most of its financial resources in the Gaza Strip for military purposes rather than rebuilding… Continue reading

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Nidal Hasan: Why I murdered 13 American soldiers

Since the attack at Fort Hood, the media and politicians in the USA are avoiding political incorrectness including Barack Obama in saying that this shooting wasn’t Islamic related or at least unclear what was the motive at this point. Yet every normal thinking human being knows that the overwhelming signs all point towards the same conclusion: it was an act of… Continue reading

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Avigdor Lieberman visits the Netherlands

On 11 november 2009 a small group of demonstraters are waiting for the arrival of Israels Minister of foreign affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Amsterdam… Continue reading

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Women in Afghanistan

It’s politically incorrect to blame the Islam for the way many Muslim men treat their women. It’s politically incorrect to expose the Islam as a violent, discriminating and abusive religion towards women and children…

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A Muslim fanatic with an internet site praising Islamic suicide bombers as defenders of their comrades is a Major in the U.S. Army with access to military intelligence and lethal weaponry. And it’s not as though the army didn’t know that he was a Muslim fanatic and supporter of the Islamic Jihad against the West… Continue reading

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Facts about the Goldstone gaza report and IDF

Israel is the most moral army in history and is acting accordingly to international law, Col. R. Kemp stated in his address to the UNHRC on a hearing about the Goldstone Gaza report… Continue reading

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Wat hebben Ahmadinejad en de Basiji gemeen

De Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sprak op 24 september 2009 tijdens de Algemene Vergadering van de VN. De verwachte Holocaust ontkenning bleef uit, maar zonder het woord ‘jood’ te noemen schetste hij een volledig door antisemitische stereotypen gekleurd wereldbeeld waarin Joden de vijand zijn die de wereld in hun greep houden om moslims kwaad te doen… Continue reading…

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Magen David Adom

In 1918, the last year of the first World War, more than 1500 jewish men and women in Palestine (the countries jewish population was then about 60.000) enlisted in an all-jewish volunteer fighting unit, the jewish legion. Five hundred of the volunteers were young women and girls who enrolled in an auxiliary service of the legion to provide medical care for the wounded soldiers. Modelled on the Red Cross, the service was given the name Magen David Adom (which means “Red Shield of David”, but also known as the Red Star of David). A selected number of its members served in military hospitals, and their emblem, the Red Shield of David, was recognized by the British Military Government. Shortly after the end of the War, the service was disbanded… Continue reading

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Terrorism and Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This past week, despite the events on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there was a decrease in the amount of rocket and mortar shell fire. One mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near the southern Israeli city of Sderot (October 7, 2009). There were no casualties and no damage was done. Elements within the Army of the Nation (a network affiliated with the global jihad) claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it retaliation for the events at Al-Aqsa mosque… Continue reading

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Videos: Wafa Sultan talks about Islam

Watch these video’s and listen to what Wafa Sultan has to say about Islam. If you hear what influence the Islam has on the minds of the ordinary people, do you still really believe that Israël is the agressor in the middle east or are they trying to survive in the harsh enviroment called ‘Dar al-Harb = house of war’… Continue reading

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Wafa Sultan about Islam

If you own a computer and hadn’t heard the name “Wafa Sultan” prior to last February, you were bound to have become familiar with it since then. A record eight million hits and counting have been charted on a six-minute video clip – originally subtitled and circulated on the Web by the Middle East Media Research Institute – in which Sultan, a Syrian-born, Los Angeles-based pundit (trained as a psychiatrist) slams Al Jazeera host Faisal al-Qasim and guest Ibrahim Al-Khouli about the ills of Islam… Continue reading

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President Ahmadinejad speech to the UN General Assembly sept 2009

Full transcript of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech at the UN General Assembly 23th september 2009… Continue reading

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Goldstone VN mensenrechtenrapport

Op dinsdag 15 september heeft de VN een rapport gepubliceerd rondom de gebeurtenissen tijdens de Gaza oorlog eind 2008 en begin 2009.

In het rapport wordt Israel beschuldigt van oorlogsmisdaden. Aangezien dit een ernstige beschuldiging is, is het belangrijk om de achtergronden van dit VN onderzoek onder de loep te nemen… Continue reading

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Obama’s Cairo Speech: Good Intentions Plus Misunderstanding Equals Failure

Obama’s Cairo speech full with good intentions based on lots of misunderstandings… Read more