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Unlike Madonna, the Middle East Isn’t a “Material Girl”

The problem is radical ideology in command on the sides of both leaders and the masses… Continue reading

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How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Actually Say

It’s easy to see why al-Qaradawi is the leading Sunni Islamist thinker in the world today… Continue reading

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The Price Hezbollah Pays for Supporting the Syrian Regime

Being drawn into the Syrian civil war forced Hezbollah to pay both a political price and a price to its image in the Arab-Muslim world… Continue reading

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Hezbollah Support for the Syrian Regime

Hezbollah supports the Syrian regime as the civil war drags on… Continue reading

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Hezbollah Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

For Iran and Hezbollah, the preservation of Bashar Assad’s regime is of supreme strategic importance… Continue reading

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Obama Doctrine: Backing Middle East Radicals After 10 Previous Western Failures

History has shown that backing radical Arabic-speaking states or movements to redo the regional order have all ended badly… Continue reading

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Violence and Context in Islamic Texts

Knee-jerk proof-texting of the “Islam is peace” claim will benefit no one… Continue reading

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Christendom’s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque

The ongoing Islamification of Turkey… Continue reading

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Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem” – Part II

Part 2 of Geert Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem”… Continue reading

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Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem” – Part 1

Part 1 of Geert Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem”… Continue reading

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The Woolwich Killing

“We will never stop fighting you”… Continue reading

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Justifying Islamic terrorism and the murder of Lee Rigby: Asghar Bukhari and MPAC UK

What some of Britain’s Muslim leaders say to justify the Woolwich attack… Continue reading

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The Media’s Islamophilia: RTE’s Coverage of the Woolwich Atrocity

Woolwich atrocity driven by Islamic radicalism… Continue reading

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Some Theories on the Boston Marathon Bombing

Some thoughts on the source of the attack… Continue reading

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What the West is Doing Wrong While Facing Islamist Intimidation

Islamists will intimidate anyone who let them intimidate… Continue reading

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Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida

It’s time, a dozen years after September 11 and following Islamist coups in the Middle East, to rethink completely our view of al-Qaida… Continue reading

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How Islamism Tainted France’s Presidential Election

The recent French presidential election offers insight into the way the Islamist factor may eventually play out in European politics… Continue reading

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Turkey and Tehran: A Cold Peace

The Turkish-Iranian relationship is primed for problems due to differing geopolitical and sectarian interests… Continue reading

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How Arab Governments Manage the Israel Issue

Using the Israel issue is so attractive and useful because there is a lot of popular support for this attitude… Continue reading

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A Look Back at Forty Years of Middle East Analysis

My main goal of forty years of Middle East analysis has been trying to explain the Middle East as it actually exists, how its politics work, and how its history can be understood… Continue reading

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Arab Moderation Is Murdered: An Assassination in Tunisia

People who believe the Arabic-speaking world is heading toward democracy don’t understand that Islamist forces are unleashed quite willing to engage in violence until total triumph… Continue reading

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Education for Terrorism

Hamas increases its military and propaganda activities among Gazan youth… Continue reading

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Spain and Muslim Apostasy

The Spanish authorities are trying to remove Imran Firasat from Spain, even though they are aware that he very well might be killed in Pakistan or Indonesia for blasphemy… Continue reading

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Yemen’s Forgotten Christians

The story of Yemen’s Christians is a microcosm of the story of Islam’s Christians… Continue reading

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Anti-Islamism in an Islamic Civil War

The notion of a Sunni-Shi’ite conflict is not the only perceived dichotomy at play in the Syrian civil war… Continue reading