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Justifying Islamic terrorism and the murder of Lee Rigby: Asghar Bukhari and MPAC UK

What some of Britain’s Muslim leaders say to justify the Woolwich attack… Continue reading

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The Media’s Islamophilia: RTE’s Coverage of the Woolwich Atrocity

Woolwich atrocity driven by Islamic radicalism… Continue reading

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Some Theories on the Boston Marathon Bombing

Some thoughts on the source of the attack… Continue reading

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What the West is Doing Wrong While Facing Islamist Intimidation

Islamists will intimidate anyone who let them intimidate… Continue reading

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Education for Terrorism

Hamas increases its military and propaganda activities among Gazan youth… Continue reading

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Hezbollah: Portrait of a Terrorist Organization

Hezbollah has a 30-year history of terrorist activity in Lebanon, the Middle East and around the globe, directed against Israel, the Jewish people, the United States and the West, pro-Western Arab states and Hezbollah’s enemies in Lebanon… Continue reading

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Hezbollah’s Terrorist Activities during the 1990s

In the 1990s Hezbollah combined terrorist attacks in Israeli territory and overseas with guerilla warfare against the IDF in the Lebanese security zone and sporadic rocket fire at Israel… Continue reading

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Hezbollah’s Terrorist Activities during the 1980s

Hezbollah’s terrorist activity during the first years of its existence focused on the United States and France, the main targets of a wave of terrorist attacks in Lebanon and elsewhere… Continue reading

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The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Spearheads Iran’s Global Terrorist Campaign

The Qods Force, an elite unit of the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, spearheads Iran’s global terrorist campaign… Continue reading

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The Meaning of the Egypt-Israel Cross-Border Attack

A 35-man seemingly bedouin terrorist team invaded an Egyptian army base in eastern Sinai, stole a truck and armored personnel carrier, and tried to crash the Israel border gate… Continue reading

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Obama’s spectacular failure

Obama came into office with a theory on which he based his Middle East policy. His theory was that jihadists hate America because the US supports Israel… Continue reading

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Islamist Utopianism Versus the Real World: The Attraction of Violence

What happens when political ideology meets real people… Continue reading

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Mexican Jihad

As the United States considers the Islamic jihadi threats confronting it from all sides, it would do well to focus on its southern neighbor, Mexico… Continue reading

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Latin America as an Arena for Iranian-Hezbollah Terrorism

Iran regards Latin America as an arena for terrorist activity, which the Iranian regime considers an instrument for promoting its strategic objectives… Continue reading

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Sinai Bedouin, Palestinian and al Qaeda gangs are plotting Terrorist Attacks to blow up the Egyptian-Israel Peace Accords

Their plans entail sending terrorists across the Egyptian Sinai border for attacks on Israelis to generate Israeli military incursions into Egyptian territory in hot pursuit of the perpetrators… Continue reading

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How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians

When it comes to Muslim persecution of Christians, the mainstream media (MSM) has a long paper trail of obfuscating. Of course, the media’s obfuscation serves a purpose… Continue reading

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Can Afghanistan Be Rescued?

U.S. president Barack Obama entered office with a bold plan to combat Afghanistan’s escalating insurgency… Continue reading

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Solomon’s Wisdom on Revolutionary Islamism and Terrorism

Hussein Solomon is a South African professor who is the leading expert on revolutionary Islamist terrorism in his own country and Africa generally… Continue reading

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Are Jihadists Crazy?

Muslims who kill in the name of their religion frequently evade punishment in Western courts by pleading insanity or mental incompetence… Continue reading

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Being an Israeli and a Jew in 2012: Let’s Face Reality Without Illusion, Shrug, and Move Forward

It is the year 2012, yet the hysterical hatred for Israel in the Arabic-speaking world and among Muslims in general has only increased… Continue reading

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Mohammed Merah was a new breed of Iron Man terrorist

The French-born al Qaeda killer, Mohammed Merah, who shocked the world by murdering three Jewish schoolchildren and their teacher in Toulouse by shots to the head… Continue reading

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The True Perpetrators of the Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the World

A drive-by shooter in the beautiful, almost magical, city of Toulouse, France, murders three Jewish children and a teacher in front of their school… Continue reading

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The Two Faces of Al Jazeera

One of the principal beneficiaries of the Arab uprisings has been Al Jazeera television… Continue reading

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Riyadh Enters the Yemen-Huthi Fray

On August 11, 2009, the Yemeni government launched “Operation Scorched Earth,” aimed at putting an end to the Huthi uprising that had destabilized the country’s northern province of Sa’da for more than five years… Continue reading

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Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan

As U.S. military operations in Afghanistan drag on inconclusively, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Taliban insurgency is gaining ground… Continue reading