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Azerbaijan foils Iranian-Hizballah terror strike against Jewish targets

A Hizballah cell backed by intelligence from Tehran and external Iranian terror cells in Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia, was captured in Baku on Jan. 19 by… Continue reading

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The Middle East in 2012: The Year of Living Dangerously

The region-wide upheaval known as “the Arab Spring” would make it seem that terrorism, especially Islamist terrorism, is pretty much as dead as are its thousands of victims… Continue reading

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Hamas Openly Joins Muslim Brotherhood; Muslim Brotherhood Openly Joins Hamas’s War on Israel

Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group which rules the Gaza Strip and… Continue reading

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Spiral of Violence: How the German online media portrays Palestinian terrorism against Israel

This article analyses German media coverage of Palestinian terrorism… Continue reading

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USA: An ally no more

Under President Obama, the US government has become hostile to Israel’s national rights and strategic imperatives… Continue reading

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Fifty Libyan ‘Islamist’ Rebels Join the Jihad against Israel

Fifty Libyan Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries arrived in the Gaza Strip from Tripoli last month… Continue reading

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Gilad Shalit: A pact signed in Jewish blood

No one denies the long suffering of the Schalit family… Continue reading

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FM Zalmai Rassoul Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

We Afghans are proud to have partnered, over the past ten years, with the world’s struggle against terrorism… Continue reading

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Ten Years After September 11: Who’s Really Winning the War On Terrorism

Ten years after September 11, 2001, when the very phrase “war on terrorism” is barred from U.S. government usage by the president… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Israel regrets Egypt deaths, strives to reduce tension between Jerusalem and Cairo

Israel’s defense minister Barak issued a public statement of Israeli regret for the deaths of Egyptian policemen in the course of a terrorist attack… Continue reading

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Eilat Terror Attack: A most peculiar use of language

With the recent tragic events where Palestinian terrorists killed nine Israeli civilians… Continue reading

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Israel: Blood in the Streets

Israeli military preparedness follows a depressing pattern… Continue reading

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Terrorists Attack Egyptian Army, More Details on Eilat Terror Attack

A gunfight is going on in the early afternoon of Friday between terrorists and the Egyptian army… Continue reading

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IDF Taken by Surprise: Al Qaeda-style Coordinated Deadly Multiple Terror Attack

Israel had its first taste of a sophisticated al Qaeda-style coordinated terrorist operation modeled on the atrocities common in Afghanistan and Iraq… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu Statement Following the Eilat Terror Attack

Those who gave the order to murder our citizens, while hiding in Gaza, are no longer among the living… Continue reading

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New Phase in War as Terrorists Cross Egypt-Israel Border

This isn’t just another terrorist attack — it’s a major escalation, a new phase in the Arab-Israeli conflict in two ways… Continue reading

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Obama Suggests The Biggest Domestic Terrorist Threat Is Not Islamism But Right-Wing Americans?

President Barack Obama informs us, as the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches, that his biggest fear is not radical Islamist terrorism… Continue reading

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Egyptian forces take on Al Qaeda Militants in Sinai

Egyptian forces descended on the Sinai Peninsula Sunday, Aug. 14, for their first post-Mubarak operation to retake control of the territory… Continue reading

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Egypt: anti-Israel and pro-Terrorism Conference held in Cairo

Cairo recently hosted a conference in support of terrorism. It was attended by Palestinian and Shi’ite terrorist organizations… Continue reading

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How Jihad Influenced the Norway Massacre

In his manifesto, Anders Breivik, the perpetrator of the Norway massacre, in which 80 people were killed and many wounded… Continue reading

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The “Oslo Syndrome” and the Terror Attack in Norway

One of the most sensitive aspects of the very sensitive subject of the murderous terrorist attack in Norway by… Continue reading

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Profile of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s Heir as Leader of Al-Qaeda

On June 16 Al-Qaeda announced that after a period of consultations, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri had been appointed as Osama bin Laden’s heir… Continue reading

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Understanding Hamas, A Detailed Assessment

What do you have to do to be recognized as a revolutionary Islamist group using terrorism… Continue reading