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WikiLeaks: Afghanistan’s Insurgents will Readily Fill any Vacuums of Governance

There are sobering lessons to be drawn from the Alasay Valley in Southern Kapisa, where the strategic dynamics have shifted back in favor of the insurgency… Continue reading

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Multiple Crises – Yemen Next

Since the ousting of Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt’s Husni Mubarak, the change Yemen is undergoing is lost in the dramatic events… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: No Power-Sharing with the Taliban, Holbrooke pledges

In a January 18 meeting with Richard Holbrooke, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao described the Indian effort in Afghanistan as focused on… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Proves It Is Radical and Aggressive

In his New York Times op-ed back in February, Muslim Brotherhood agent — disguised as sophisticated academic — Tariq Ramadan wrote… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood and Its Political Agenda: “Islam is the solution”

The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and… Continue reading

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Why Terrorism against Israel is Increasing

Why is terrorism against Israel increasing now? Because the terrorists have… Continue reading

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Building the New Mid-East

Today’s cartoon is from twenty years ago this month! Back then the media and all the pundits explained that as soon as the dust of war… Continue reading

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Much Mass Media Coverage of Israel-Palestinian Issues Is Propaganda, Not Journalism

So constant are the lies told in mass media coverage of Israel-Palestinian issues that it is hardly worthwhile to critique individual articles… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Allies Find Briefing on Afghanistan “Gloomy”

U.S. National Intelligence Officer (NiO) for South Asia, Dr. Peter Lavoy, briefed NATO Permanent Representatives on the National Intelligence Estimate… Continue reading

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Past Iranian Attempts of Weapons Smuggling

In recent months two more Iranian attempts to ship weapons were exposed. Their destinations were Hezbollah and Gambia… Continue reading

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Why Palestinian Terror Attacks Ensure There Will Be No Peace

Events like the massacre of an Israeli family by terrorists aren’t just tragedies or crimes, they are events of huge political and… Continue reading

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The Battle for the Character of Education in the Gaza Strip

Hamas and the PIJ repeatedly demand that UNRWA not teach about the Holocaust in its schools, claiming that it is a “fabricated, twisted history” that… Continue reading

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Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority

Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority… Continue reading

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Abbas’ double game: He tips Fatah to quietly endorse Itamar murders

In his address to the nation Saturday night, Netanyahu accused Palestinian leaders of hypocritically mouthing peace slogans abroad while promoting anti-Israel… Continue reading

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Hamas ordered five Israelis murdered following secret Islamist Khartoum parley

The Itamar attack was the first result of an Iran-funded secret conference in Khartoum last week of the heads of the national branches of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world… Continue reading

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Five Israelis murdered by Palestinians at Itamar were Gaza evacuees

The Fogel family moved to Itamar after Jewish communities were forcibly evicted from the Gaza Strip in 2007 as part of the Sharon government’s… Continue reading

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Barack Obama and the Cavalcade of Naivete

When you look at what’s happening around the world what’s happening in the Middle East, it is a manifestation of… Continue reading

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How the Obama Administration is Going to Bring Disaster to the Middle East and U.S. Interests

In a moment, I’ll present you with what might be the most frightening paragraph in the modern history of U.S. Middle East policy… Continue reading

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A Terrorist Promoting Mosque in Washington DC

The mass media is largely ignoring the story, certainly as part of a pattern of how Jihad is being spread in America… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Revolution and Israeli Interests: A Strategic Assessment

What does the Egyptian revolution mean for Israel? A great deal and, unfortunately, none of it is particularly good, though Israel will have to adjust… Continue reading

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Portrait of Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi: A “Moderate” Islamist?

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi is a central figure affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. He was expelled from Egypt and found refuge in… Continue reading

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Persecution of Christians Begins in “Democratic” Egypt

Once the revolution began, Egypt’s Christians knew precisely what to expect. It isn’t that the regime of Husni Mubarak protected them so well from… Continue reading

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Hamas Tries to Exploit the Egyptian Revolution

Hamas tries to take advantage of the events in Egypt and its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood to improve its standing with the Egyptian government and to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: No Evidence of Iran’s Hand in Bahrain Simmering Unrest

The United States has repeatedly dismissed claims by the Bahraini government that Shia Muslim unrest in the Gulf island state is backed by Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt Not Cracking Down on Gaza Smuggling

ISA Director Diskin said the ISA had provided detailed information on smuggling networks, but the Egyptians had failed to take action… Continue reading