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WikiLeaks: Britain Making Little Progress in Engaging Muslim Community

Britain made “little progress” in reaching out to Muslim communities despite investing “considerable time and resources” after the 7/7 London bombings in 2005, US diplomats concluded in cables passed to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: President of Mali Links Drug Trafficking to Terrorism

When an unidentified plane crashed into the desert in northern Mali in November 2009, it was immediately suspected of smuggling cocaine from Latin America. The west African route to the lucrative European markets had been growing in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Don’t Tell Us What To Do, India Warns U.S.

In a meeting shortly after controversial stopover visit of Iranian president – who told Indian prime minister that the “world is changing in Iran’s favour” – Delhi’s top diplomat was uncomplimentary about the visitor to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Taliban Stockpiling Drug to Manipulate Street Price in the West

Head of UN office on drugs and crime Antonio Maria Costa warns of new sophisticated market tactics in Afghanistan: Afghan gangs and Taliban stockpiling drug to manipulate street price in the west… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New Zealand Praised By Hamas

Praise from Hamas was an unwanted consequence of New Zealand’s strong diplomatic reaction to the conviction of two Israeli men on passport fraud charges… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: US Officials Voiced Fears India Could Be Target of Biological Terrorism

Turning to the subject of counter-bio-terrorism cooperation, Singh reported that Indian intelligence is picking up chatter indicating jihadi groups are interested in bio-terrorism, for example seeking out like-minded… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: How India Can Help Stabilise Afghanistan

As requested, this cable contains specific, concrete ideas for opportunities for India to use soft power in helping Afghanistan’s reconstruction, with the broader objective of seeking ways for the U.S…. Continue reading

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Hamas and Hezbollah’s Satellite Channels Continue Broadcasting Via Arab-Muslim and Western Satellites

As part of the battle for hearts and minds, Hamas and Hezbollah invest great resources in operating a number of land and satellite television channels. They use them to spread their extremist Islamist ideology, which includes incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and Western countries… Continue reading

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Christian Minorities in the Middle East: News For The Pope

Priest Wasseem Sabeeh was halfway through Sunday Mass, in Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad, when an explosion shook the church. Suddenly men with guns yelling Islamic prayers burst into the church. They fired at the priests… Continue reading

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No One Understands What Victory Means

General Sir David Richards, commander of the British military and former NATO commander in Afghanistan, gave an interview to the Sunday Telegraph that is extremely important and easily misunderstand. The headline statement has been Richards’ remark that a military victory against… Continue reading

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Egyptian Media Criticizes Hamas for Inviting Ahmadinejad To Gaza Strip

Hamas’ invitation of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad to the Gaza Strip provoked strong criticism from the Egyptian media. The media attacks, especially in the Egyptian establishment press, reflect Egypt’s fear of the Gaza Strip’s turning into an extremist Islamic entity… Continue reading

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IDF Seized Large Sums of Terror Linked Finances and Property

Last night, in a joint IDF-ISA operation in Tulkarm, security forces confiscated the money and possessions of a senior Hamas operative that was recently convicted of transferring Hamas finances into the Judea and Samaria region… Continue reading

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Hamas: No Place For Israel Among The Nations

Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas’ political bureau, again proclaimed that “Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and there is no place in it for Israel.” He called on the Palestinian Authority not to rely on the United States because President Obama, especially after… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Those Who Follow Islam Cannot Kill People

When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was touring parts of flooded areas in Pakistan last week, he used his visit to Pakistan to attack Israel and to polish his image as a champion of Muslim solidarity… Continue reading

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Iran-Syria Bloc Consolidates Alliance With Turkish Regime

In effect, Ahmadinejad is saying: I insult America! I am leader of the Palestinian struggle! I’m going to get nuclear weapons! I’ve got it all. Now, if there was only some Western leadership to organize the other side there might be more hope of… Continue reading

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Terrorism Is Haram In Islam

Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani says Islam considers terrorism as “haram” (religiously prohibited), Mehr News Agency reported last week. Larijani made the remarks in an address to a gathering of officials… Continue reading

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Iran Crosses Critical Line For Nuclear-Arming Missiles

Iran has crossed the critical nuclear threshold taking it nearer to being able to arm ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, weapons inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reported last week… Continue reading

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The Aim of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Was to Isolate Israel

In a speech given by IHH leader Bulent Yildirim two months prior to the Marmara flotilla, he presented a radical Islamic ideology with anti-Western and anti-Israeli motifs. He said that the aim of the flotilla was to isolate Israel by “breaking the siege” and stressed his determination… Continue reading

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Recent Easing of Measures in the West Bank

The following is a comprehensive list of recent measures taken to improve the quality of life for West Bank residents, as well as for Gaza Strip, Jewish, and Arab residents wishing to enter the West Bank. Along with easing measures during the… Continue reading

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Media Outlets Miss Critical Analysis of Overhyped Muslim Counter-Radicalization Video

The New York Times, CNN, and other “mainstream media outlets” recently reported on a video that was put out by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). The video was dished up by both the Times and CNN with virtually no critical assessment or investigation… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Iran and Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad infuriated Americans last week when he claimed that America had exaggerated the death toll from al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001 attacks… Continue reading

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Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal Presented Ideological and Strategic Concept Based on Jihad Against Israel

Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al has recently presented Hamas’ ideological and strategic alternative to the PA’s approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He slammed the PLO leadership, denied the… Continue reading

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Niqab Security Outrages at Canadian Airports

Curious how the niqabi’s hidden identity would be handled, I looked back as the trio was dealing with the security agent. To my astonishment, the agent did not demand to see the niqabi’s face but was… Continue reading

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Iran Threatens World

You would think the kind of genocidal behavior displayed by the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran would be in violation of international law… Continue reading

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The Jundollah Terrorist Organization Claimed Terrorist Attack in Iran

The Jundollah terrorist organization, also known as People’s Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI), claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack, saying it was… Continue reading