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In Egypt, Army Threatens Coup while U.S. Policy has backed the Regime

Is the one-year-old experiment in Egyptian democracy going to end?… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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Yemen’s Forgotten Christians

The story of Yemen’s Christians is a microcosm of the story of Islam’s Christians… Continue reading

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Is Egypt about to Elect an Islamist President?

Registering to run for president of Egypt will begin March 10. The military moved it up from April 15 to show that it is handing over power to the civilians… Continue reading

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What Do Totalitarians Do When They Gain Power Democratically?

These politicians know precisely what they want to do… Continue reading

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Who is Obama’s Favorite Middle East Leader? An Anti-American Radical Who Loathes America and Israel

There is a man who Obama loves to deal with, if not every day at least as often as possible… Continue reading

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Turkey: in between Political Islam and the Military

This paper analyses the impact of domestic dynamics on its relations with Israel during the current AKP government and the RP led government in the 1990s… Continue reading

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Welcome to the Islamist Middle East and It’s Not Going to be Moderate

The New York Times and BBC headlines on the Tunisian elections tell us it is a victory for “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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A Day in the Life of the Middle East: Egypt, Islamist Terrorism, Libya, Turkey

Where’s the outrage? Where’s the policy shift?… Continue reading

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Egypt and Lebanon: Things Just Keep Getting Worse

Is there a pattern here? I guess I’m going to be writing a series of “things keep getting worse” articles for some time to come… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: An Islamist Revolution

By the end of 2011 more than 250 million people in the Middle East may well be living under what are in reality anti-American Islamist governments… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Islamism Triumphant

The AKP got almost everything it wanted. It will be in power for four more years, infiltrating institutions, producing a new constitution… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regime: Openly Antisemitic, Allied with Iran, Anti-American…And Glorified in the Western Media

Why is it that Anthony Shadid, the same New York Times reporter who has constantly whitewashed Syria and Hizballah now writing a glowing portrait… Continue reading

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By The End of This Year Egypt Might Be Run By a Radical Islamist Regime

I’m not saying this lightly. For the first time, there is serious evidence not only for an Islamist-controlled parliament but even… Continue reading

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Egypt: Amr Moussa Vows Tough Israel Policy if Elected President

Amr Moussa, the outgoing Arab League chief and leading candidate for Egypt’s presidency, said Friday that if elected he would break with… Continue reading

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Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Badly and Rapidly, More Muslim Attacks on Egyptian Christians

In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us… Continue reading

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The Nominations of Candidates for the June General Election: A Choice Between Status Quo and Renewal

The ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) choice of candidates to the general election in June reflect a desire to entrench the power base… Continue reading

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What Country in the World Has the Most Journalists Imprisoned?

What country in the world has the most journalists imprisoned? The answer might surprise you. According to a recent study… Continue reading

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Who Will Be Egypt’s Next President?

There are twenty candidates running for Egypt’s presidency. Most are not serious candidates but can split the vote… Continue reading

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YouTube World View Interview With PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Transcription from the Channel2 and YouTube World View Interview with Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regional Leadership in the Middle East: Principle or Realpolitik?

In stark contrast to its support for the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia, Turkey has abstained from taking a principled, democratic stand… Continue reading

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Full Text of Anwar al-Sadat’s Statements About the Muslim Brotherhood

Transcript of a six-minute video of statements by the late President Anwar al-Sadat (Egypt) about… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority: We Never Listen to What America Says, We Just Take the Money

This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want, because we do what we view as beneficial to our cause… Continue reading

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Turkish Camouflage Model: Arab Radicals Learn How to Hide Your Islamism

Newsweek explains how the “Turkish Model” works… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood’s New Campaign: Seize Control of Egypt’s Islamic Institutions

MEMRI has pointed out the opening of a Muslim Brotherhood campaign to replace Egypt’s current clerical hierarchy with its own people… Continue reading