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The “Arab Spring” is now officially over

Al-Qaeda linked terrorism threatens Tunisia’s economy and security… Continue reading

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Who Understands the Middle East?

Certainly, Obama doesn’t… Continue reading

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Lost: Obama Middle East Policy, 2013-2016,(1) Why U.S. Policy Betrayed the Moderates

The Obama Administration has taken the Islamists’ side… Continue reading

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Why President Obama’s Concept of the Middle East Will Fail

Obama believes that what the Arab public really wants is progress toward peace with Israel and that the United States sees the ball as being in Israel’s court… Continue reading

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How Arab Governments Manage the Israel Issue

Using the Israel issue is so attractive and useful because there is a lot of popular support for this attitude… Continue reading

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Western Leftists Back Islamists; Arab Counterparts Are Their Victims

The Western left were for decades apologists for repression carried out by the USSR, Soviet bloc, and other communist dictatorships, and now they are apologists for Islamist repression carried out against Arab leftists… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy is Making Syria into an Anti-Western, Antisemitic Islamist State

Western policy is now putting into power yet another anti-Western regime that will oppress its own people and put a high priority on trying to wipe out Israel… Continue reading

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Egypt “Democratically” Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship

What are the next steps for Mursi?… Continue reading

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Why Islamists Always Win “Fair” Elections

How politics work in the Arabic-speaking world today… Continue reading

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Who Will Rule Syria? A Detailed Assessment

The civil war in Syria is moving into the end-game… Continue reading

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The Pro-Islamist Obama Administration: A Case Study in Syria

It is obvious that the Syrian National Council was a Muslim Brotherhood front group, yet the Obama Administration backed it any way… Continue reading

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Richard Benkin, Promoter of The Bangladeshi Fake “Muslim Zionist,” Has a History of Deception

As a follow up to the February 23, 2012 article of Brenda West on Shoaib Choudhury, the fake “Muslim Zionist,” Brenda wrote this article about Choudhury’s American promoter, Richard Benkin, who also has a long history of fraud and exploitation, including his fellow Jews… Continue reading

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President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly

President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Does Power Moderate Radicals? Where’s the Proof?

An interesting and important question about the Middle East is whether being in power or running in an election inevitably moderates those who are radicals… Continue reading

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Why We Need Words Like ‘Islamist’

Is the problem Islam or Islamism? Muslims or Islamists?… Continue reading

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What to Do About Syria

There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something… Continue reading

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Egyptian Coptic billionaire faces trial for contempt of Islam

A member of the ultra-conservative al-Gamaa al-Islamiya group filed a legal complaint against… Continue reading

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Iranian speculations on Egypt’s Islamists: Shi’ite-style revolutionaries or Turkish-style democrats?

There have been various speculations in Iranian press on the significance of the Islamists’ victory and the nature of the Islamist faction in Egypt… Continue reading

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Obama Gives a Preview of How He’ll Campaign on Foreign Policy

I think Obama genuinely believes what he’s saying… Continue reading

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French minister of Arab origin: “There is no such thing as moderate Islam”

A French junior minister said in an interview published Saturday there was no such thing as moderate Islam… Continue reading

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Who Killed The Next One Hundred People Like Rafiq Tagi? You Did

Can a single moderate whether secularist or someone who wants to interpret Islam in a more liberal way feel safe… Continue reading

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Radical Chic Catastrophes: When Romanticism Trumps Reason

The radical is always the more glamorous… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syria’s Proxy War in Iraq

The Islamists in Seidnaya responsible for the riots were part of a cadre of inmates sent to Iraq sometime after 2003 to fight with the insurgency… Continue reading

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Brothers in Arms: The Muslim Brotherhood Takes Over the (Sunni) Arab World

On November 28, Egyptians will vote for a parliament which will also write the country’s new constitution… Continue reading