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Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: “Go Back to Auschwitz”

In response to a radio transmission by the Israeli Navy warning the Gaza flotilla that they are approaching a naval blockade, passengers of the Mavi Marmara respond, “Shut up, go back to Auschwitz… Continue reading

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‘Gaza Flotilla’ Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza 2009

Bülent Yildirim is the main organizer of the Gaza Flotilla and his organization is linked to Islamic terror groups. The Gaza Flotilla was not a Humanitarian mission, but… Continue reading

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Ankara Threatens to Break Relations With Israel

Turkish ambassador to Washington Namik Tan threatened his government would break relations with Israel unless it apologizes for the commando raid on its flotilla for Gaza. Israel must also accept an… Continue reading

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Turkey and Israel on the Brink of War or New “Ship Intifada”?

Against the US president Barack Obama’s bid to bridge the rift, Turkish generals are drawing up plans to break Israel’s Gaza blockade and avenge 9 deaths, while Israel is bound by its war on terror to… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla Issue: Logic and Truth

The inability of much of the world to comprehend the new form of propaganda as well as terrorism warfare, the nature of revolutionary Islamism, and the nature of a moderate and democratic Israel, among other things… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: an Overview

During the night of May 31 IDF forces took control of the aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip. Five ships were taken without exceptional incident. On the sixth ship, the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara, the IDF soldiers met with violent resistance… Continue reading

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Footage of Mavi Marmara Militants Preparing Weaponry

The opening footage of the video shows knives, rods, wrenches, gas masks, bulletproof vests, and binoculars found on the ship and gathered at the Port of Ashdod. IDF soldiers then… Continue reading

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More Footage of Jihadists aboard the Gaza Flotilla

In footage captured on the Gaza flotilla, a passenger describes how he has attempted in previous convoys to become a martyr and that “with god’s luck” he will succeed on this flotilla… Continue reading

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Statement by Prime Minister Netanyahu: “No Love Boat”

“Israel cannot permit Iran to establish a Mediterranean port a few dozen kilometers from Tel Aviv and from Jerusalem. These weren’t peace activists. These were violent supporters of terrorism…” Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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More Documentation of the Pre-Planned Violence by the Flotilla Activists

A day before the confrontation with Israel a university lecturer revealed on Hamas TV that the Gaza flotilla’s commander had announced that the participants were planning to use resistance… Continue reading

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The World’s Latest Anti-Israel Lies, Injustice, Bias, Prejudice, Hatred and Hypocrisy

The purpose of this Flotilla was not, of course, to help the Gazans but to get publicity for ending the blockade altogether, strengthening Hamas, and hitting at Israel… Continue reading

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The Aid Flotilla for the Gaza Strip

The departure of the Turkish ship was accompanied by a well-attended rally in the Istanbul port. Thousands of people came, among them senior Turkish political figures. Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, chairman of the northern faction… Continue reading

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How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam

Deploying an Islamist may have seemed like a original and clever idea but it was neither. Western governments have been allying without success with Islamists for decades. Indeed, they have been… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: “a Flotilla of Aid”

The flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip is in its final preparations before setting sail to the Gaza Strip; reports say that the first ships are scheduled to leave… Continue reading

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One Nation’s Capital Forever

Jerusalem and the Jewish people are so intertwined that telling the history of one is telling the history of the other. For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem has played a central role in the history of the Jews, culturally, politically, and spiritually… Continue reading

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Jihad and Islamic Theology

When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British Jihadi Network, a series of semi-autonomous British Muslim terrorist groups linked by a single ideology, I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people… Continue reading

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Islamism 2.0

To borrow a computer term, if Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, and Nidal Hasan represent Islamism 1.0, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the prime minister of Turkey), Tariq Ramadan (a Swiss intellectual), andKeith Ellison (a U.S. congressman) represent Islamism 2.0. The former kill more people but the latter pose a greater threat to Western civilization… Continue reading