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The Muslim Brotherhood, Fountain of Islamist Violence

A political party or a jihadi group?… Read more

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The Woolwich Killing

“We will never stop fighting you”… Continue reading

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Justifying Islamic terrorism and the murder of Lee Rigby: Asghar Bukhari and MPAC UK

What some of Britain’s Muslim leaders say to justify the Woolwich attack… Continue reading

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The Media’s Islamophilia: RTE’s Coverage of the Woolwich Atrocity

Woolwich atrocity driven by Islamic radicalism… Continue reading

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What the West is Doing Wrong While Facing Islamist Intimidation

Islamists will intimidate anyone who let them intimidate… Continue reading

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A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day

The more things change, the more they remain the same… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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Hitler’s Shadow – Nazis and the Middle East

Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine, the relationship between the Nazi state and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as the postwar place of the Holocaust in Arab and Muslim thinking… Continue reading

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An Islamist Nazi Collaborator is Transformed into a Moderate

Suppose you read in the Washington Post about a democratic politician who was a refugee from persecution by a dictatorship. Would you be surprised to learn that he was in fact a vicious antisemite… Continue reading

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Radical Chic Catastrophes: When Romanticism Trumps Reason

The radical is always the more glamorous… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Five Israelis murdered by Palestinians at Itamar were Gaza evacuees

The Fogel family moved to Itamar after Jewish communities were forcibly evicted from the Gaza Strip in 2007 as part of the Sharon government’s… Continue reading

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Iran’s Top Opposition Leaders Secretly Jailed, West Fails to Act Again

The disappearance of Iran’s two most prominent opposition figures, Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, was not mentioned in the… Continue reading

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The NYT Promotes Muslim Brotherhood Lies, Covering Up for Nazi Collaborators

Recently, Tariq Ramadan, considered by the Western intelligentsia to be the very epitome of enlightened Islamism, wrote a New York Times op-ed in which… Continue reading

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Iranian Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Protests

In Tehran Debkafile’s Iranian sources report that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad early Thursday conferred with Revolutionary Guards and Basij leaders on… Continue reading

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A Turkish Anti-Israeli movie: “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

A Turkish anti-Israeli film titled Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (to be released on January 28) portrays the Mavi Marmara incident as a premeditated attack by the IDF on innocent people… Continue reading

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Christians and Jews Under Attack

The main threat to the Jewish people today is no longer physical, as it was in the past. Rather, it is directed at the legitimacy and survival of the State of Israel itself, the Jewish State… Continue reading

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Iranian Association of Nazism Website Approved by Ministry of Islamic Guidance

For the past several months, the website has been operating in Iran. It operates on behalf of an organization called the Iranian Association of Nazism and Adolf Hitler’s Supporters. The website’s homepage states that it operates in accordance with the laws of the Islamic republic… Continue reading

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Is Iran’s Regime Officially Running A Pro-Nazi Site?

Is Iran’s government sponsoring an Internet site that extols the German Nazis, their history and achievements, including the antisemitism that the current Iranian regime also supports? Or is it merely permitting one to operate in a highly censored… Continue reading

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Hamas to Establish an Organization to Try Israeli “War Criminals”

The Legislative Council in the Gaza Strip authorized a proposed law to establish an independent Palestinian authority to try the crimes of the occupation against the Palestinians… Continue reading

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It All Began With Boycotts

It all began with boycotts. Boycotts that were taken to defend against an imaginary Jewish threat. For info about the Nazi BDS program… Continue reading

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Iran Recently Launched a New Website About the Holocaust

Iran has recently launched a new website examining the story of the Holocaust of European Jewry through Iranian eyes. It presents the claims on the “fabrication of the Holocaust” that are prevalent in the Iranian political discourse, and argues that the Zionists have… Continue reading

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The Frightening Truth of Why Iran Wants a Bomb

In Ahmadinejad’s analysis, the rising Islamic “superpower” has decisive advantages over the infidel. Islam has four times as many young men of fighting age as the West… Continue reading

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The Name Game

The avoidance of the obvious continues the absurd and embarrassing refusal of the Obama administration to acknowledge who out there is trying to kill Americans and why… Continue reading

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Israeli Arabs Involved in Violent Terrorist Attacks

Seven Israeli Arabs allegedly affiliated with al-Qaida and global jihad terrorist elements were indicted on Monday for allegedly murdering a Jewish taxi driver last year and carrying out a string of attacks against… Continue reading