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Hamas Attacks UN Summer Camp

Masked men trashed a U.N. summer camp Monday, tying up guards and slashing tents and an inflatable pool in the second such attack blamed on suspected extremists… Continue reading

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Portrait of Bulent Yildirim: a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist

Bülent Yildirim is firmly attached to the Islamic regime of Erdogan, who was involved in IHH preparations for the flotilla. During the voyage Bülent Yildirim was on board the Mavi Marmara and played a key role in… Continue reading

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Iran’s Gaza-bound ships ready for clash with Israel

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured Turkish leaders that the vessels due to enter the disputed waters within days will not shrink from a head-on clash with Israel’s Navy and Air Force exclusion forces… Continue reading

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Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: “Go Back to Auschwitz”

In response to a radio transmission by the Israeli Navy warning the Gaza flotilla that they are approaching a naval blockade, passengers of the Mavi Marmara respond, “Shut up, go back to Auschwitz… Continue reading

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‘Gaza Flotilla’ Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza 2009

Bülent Yildirim is the main organizer of the Gaza Flotilla and his organization is linked to Islamic terror groups. The Gaza Flotilla was not a Humanitarian mission, but… Continue reading

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Remembering the Farhud – the Mufti Inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq

Today marks the 69th anniversary of the Farhud, the arabic Krystallnacht (1941). Looting of property and beating up of Jews took place in Baghdad, Mosul, Kirkuk, Irbil, Basrah, Amara and Fallujah. The killing of Jews took place in Baghdad alone. Today, not a single Jew is left in Iraq… Continue reading

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Israel Vows to Stop All Gaza Aid Ships

Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai says Israel will prevent all aid ships from reaching Gaza. “We will not let any ships reach Gaza and supply what has become a terrorist base threatening the heart of Israel…” Continue reading

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The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla

Prominent among the coalition organizations participating in the Gaza flotilla for the Gaza Strip is the Turkish “Insani Yardim Vakfi,” a radical Islamic organization… Continue reading

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“The Hate Flotilla” Activists Chant Slogans That Threaten Jews

According to a Foreign Ministry press release on Sunday, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon criticized the effort, saying anti-Semitic chants voiced by the activists on board earlier in the day showed the “real motivation” for… Continue reading

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The Aid Flotilla for the Gaza Strip

The departure of the Turkish ship was accompanied by a well-attended rally in the Istanbul port. Thousands of people came, among them senior Turkish political figures. Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, chairman of the northern faction… Continue reading

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Praising Military Slavery

If Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious figure justifies slavery in Islam, why not an Egyptian writer praise the Muslim practice of slavery… Continue reading

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Muslims, Wake Up!

When will the United States learn that our current behavior and lack of a coordinated existential strategy since 9-11 is obviously not working? As a devout and concerned… Continue reading

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“Slavery Is A Part Of Islam”

Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan is a leading Saudi Government cleric and author of the country’s religious curriculum and he believes Islam advocates slavery. Remember that Saudi Arabia… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia and the Rise of the Wahhabi Threat

Al-Qaeda represents Wahhabism in its purest form – a violent fundamentalist doctrine that rejects all non-Wahhabi Islam, especially the spiritual forms of Islam. Wahhabism is an expansionist sect intolerant of… Continue reading

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Operatives of a Hezbollah Group Sentenced to Prison Terms

On April 28, the State Security Court in Cairo, Egypt, issued sentences to 26 operatives of a Hezbollah network. The network was planning to perpetrate attacks against tourist sites and groups of Israeli tourists in Sinai, and to smuggle weapons… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: An Update

According to the Free Gaza organization, the flotilla of aid is expected to leave for the Gaza Strip on May 24. The Hamas administration makes preparations to receive the flotilla… Continue reading

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Muhammad and the Jews

Everyone knows that many millions of the Muslims in the Arab world and beyond have a deep hostility towards Jews or “the Jew.” It seems to have reached a metaphysical level or debased into an irrational state of mind. The question is: where does the hate come from… Continue reading

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Use of Foreign Words Banned in Iranian Movie Names

Iran’s government has recently decided to ban the use of foreign words in commercials and on billboards. Karimi noted that his ministry also intended to ban the use of Latin letters on bags, shoes, and writing utensils for students… Continue reading

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Stricter Enforcement of Islamic Dress Code Ahead of Iran’s Summer Season

Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has said this week that the authorities intended to implement the Islamic dress code enforcement program in the country. This year the program will apply to men as well… Continue reading

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What Are “The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion”?

The war that the Nazis waged against the Jews was not just a war of physical annihilation. It was an international war of propaganda to convince the rest of the world of the evils of Judaism. One of the primary weapons that the Third Reich used for this international effort was a forgery… Continue reading

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Cracks In The Islamist Curtain

I am worried about what will happen in the coming decades to the world while Islam is undergoing possible reform and change. Muslims are leaving Islam in large numbers and more will leave. Tyranny cannot last for ever, not even under Sharia Law… Continue reading

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Cruel and Usual Punishment

Every time I tried to find a solution to all the ills of Muslim society, such as jihad, oppression of women and minorities, I was confronted with an Islamic law that stood in the way of a solution… Continue reading

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Now They Call Me Infidel

They criticized me for befriending and marrying an American. They rejected me when I refused to cover my head; something I have never done before. Some even called Americans stupid or naïve for being such an open society… Continue reading

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The Political Situation and Jerusalem

This past week anti-Israeli incitement continued in the Palestinian Authority and The Quartet calls on Israel to freeze building in the settlements and not to destroy buildings in Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – An Update

A late revision to the first installment of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading