On February 4, we created a download page. It was our aim to present documents for download that will help our readers to better understand the background… Continue reading
Eind mei vergadert de Moslimbroederschap in Amsterdam. Deze organisatie verhult zijn doelstellingen niet: vernietiging van Israel en het bevorderen van islamitische wereldoverheersing. Maar volgens sommigen… Continue reading
Did you ever wish you could be part of the international movement for the delegitimization of the Jewish state? Did you always want to be part of the struggle against Zionism? Did you ever want to assist those who are accusing Israeli soldiers of War crimes and… Continue reading
According to the Free Gaza organization, the flotilla of aid is expected to leave for the Gaza Strip on May 24. The Hamas administration makes preparations to receive the flotilla… Continue reading
The Jewish community in Beirut keeps shrinking due to emigration and mortality. But the few Jews who remain hope to strengthen their ties by… Continue reading
Political tensions between Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reached new levels this week following a statement made last week by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE foreign minister, comparing the Iranian occupation of the three disputed islands… Continue reading
Dr. Mohammed Wattad, an Arab Israeli Muslim who is a senior lecturer at Zefat College’s School of Law and editor of the International Journal on Medicine and Law told an audience here that Israel is not an apartheid state… Continue reading
The war that the Nazis waged against the Jews was not just a war of physical annihilation. It was an international war of propaganda to convince the rest of the world of the evils of Judaism. One of the primary weapons that the Third Reich used for this international effort was a forgery… Continue reading
I am worried about what will happen in the coming decades to the world while Islam is undergoing possible reform and change. Muslims are leaving Islam in large numbers and more will leave. Tyranny cannot last for ever, not even under Sharia Law… Continue reading
Every time I tried to find a solution to all the ills of Muslim society, such as jihad, oppression of women and minorities, I was confronted with an Islamic law that stood in the way of a solution… Continue reading
They criticized me for befriending and marrying an American. They rejected me when I refused to cover my head; something I have never done before. Some even called Americans stupid or naïve for being such an open society… Continue reading
The UN Watch organization has sent a detailed letter to the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights demanding an end to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic discrimination… Continue reading
Do you see much difference between what happened with Bush and Sharon and what is happening now between Obama and Netanyahu? The subversive elements in the US-Israeli relationship have been playing their role much… Continue reading
Jordan’s King Abdullah spoke with The Wall Street Journal’s Jay Solomon on a wide range of issues before leaving for Washington to attend President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....