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FM Hamady Ould Hamady Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Organized crime, such as kidnapping, terrorism and drug, weapon and human trafficking, had been expanding for many years in the Sahara region… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s President-for-Life

A secret American assessment suggests Hosni Mubarak intends to seek another presidential term in 2011 despite his advanced years, that the election will not be free or fair, and that he will likely stay in office until he… Continue reading

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PA Is Hindering The Solution For The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel is not hindering the solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rather, it is the PA who is unwilling to stand up and say to its people the truth, the need for true compromise. These are excerpts from… Continue reading