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Exporting Terrorism and Subversion to the West and the Arab World

ISIS is working to extend its influence to other jihadi organizations and networks in the Middle East and around the globe… Continue reading

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The Myth of Ethnic Inequality in Israel

Does discrimination really exists in Israel… Continue reading

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The ‘Radical Agenda’ of Israel’s Arabs

Are Israel’s Arabs turning into an enemy from within? The Jerusalem Post published an article by Ben Hartman on Wednesday about… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘We’re determined to defend our borders’

In face of attempts to cross Israel’s northern and southern borders, Netanyahu says he instructed the IDF to stop all attempts to infiltrate… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘There is no place for incitement, violence and rage’

The state was founded 63 years ago on the basis of the declaration of independence which promises equality of rights for… Continue reading

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Israeli Police ‘Hand-Cuffed’ In Face of Riots on “Nakba Day”

Middle East expert Dr. David Bukai expressed concern Thursday over the expected ‘show of force’ by Israeli Arabs on “Nakba Day”… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Talks to Israeli Security Chief about Israel’s Arabs, Gaza and Suleiman’s Visit

In a May 13 meeting covering a range of subjects, Israeli Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin told Ambassador Jones the following… Continue reading

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The Good Enemy, the Bad Enemy and the Palestinians

Israel’s relationship to the Palestinians has always been globally approached with standardized heavy criticism made to Israel. The main charges waved in Israel’s face have always been “the Disapropriate use of force” and… Continue reading

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Israeli Arabs Involved in Violent Terrorist Attacks

Seven Israeli Arabs allegedly affiliated with al-Qaida and global jihad terrorist elements were indicted on Monday for allegedly murdering a Jewish taxi driver last year and carrying out a string of attacks against… Continue reading

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Another Clueless Israeli

“Hamas is not just a terrorist organization. Hamas is an idea, a desperate and fanatical idea that grew out of the desolation and frustration of many Palestinians.” It must be our fault… Continue reading

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Israel Is Not An Apartheid State

Dr. Mohammed Wattad, an Arab Israeli Muslim who is a senior lecturer at Zefat College’s School of Law and editor of the International Journal on Medicine and Law told an audience here that Israel is not an apartheid state… Continue reading