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Anti-Israel Delegitimization Campaigns Continue Unabated

The networks waging the campaign to delegitimize Israel are planning a series of propaganda displays for 2012, some of them in the upcoming months… Continue reading

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A Very Brief History of European Christian Anti-Jewish Sentiment

Born with the rise of Christianity and Roman Catholicism, anti-Jewish sentiment is an old and firmly entrenched phenomenon in Europe… Continue reading

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Tehran dismisses Western threats to impose sanctions on import of oil from Iran

Iran dismissed the threats increasingly made by European countries to impose new sanctions on its petroleum industry… Continue reading

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Belgian Burqa Ban Takes Effect – Who’s Next?

Opponents of the burqa and niqab had reason to celebrate on July 23 as Belgium became the second Western country to… Continue reading

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Obama’s Ludicrous Proposal to Israel Unpacked

Could President Barack Obama’s strategy possibly be more obvious to Israel… Continue reading

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BDS Durban III Now!

An open letter to Berlusconi, giving him an opportunity to ensure his place in history. Italy, boycott Durban III… Continue reading

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U.S. Won’t Support Any Palestinian Fatah-Hamas Gov’t Unless Hamas Reforms

The U.S. won’t support any Fatah-Hamas government that includes Hamas unless the Islamist Jihadi group reforms… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkey Used as Base to Transport Terrorism Suspects

Turkey allowed the US to use its airbase at Incirlik in southern Turkey as part of the “extraordinary rendition” programme to take suspected terrorists to Guantánamo Bay… Continue reading

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International Initiatives to Organize Flotillas Continue

International initiatives to organize flotillas and aid convoys to the Gaza Strip continue and the Egyptian Media Continue Attacking Hamas for the Rocket Fire at Eilat… Continue reading

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Europe’s Long Road to the Mosque: Muslim Immigration

How far will European societies go in accommodating a fast- growing minority that not only faces great difficulties with social and cultural integration but is to a considerable extent opposed to it… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support

In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer. Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans… Continue reading

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Syria Is Not Going To Change

History tells us much about how the Arab countries will develop within the contemporary Middle East issues. When we remember the history of the Assyrians and the Greater-Syria dream of King Faisal, then we understand what Barry Rubin is trying to point out with this articles about Syria… Continue reading

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From Egyptian Muslim to Italian Christian and Zionist

Allam defends Israel even though Hamas condemned him to death in 2003, after he denounced the group’s terror attacks. Because of this threat, the Italian government has provided him with round-the-clock bodyguards… Continue reading

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Islam Fysiologisch Gewelddadig en Historisch Conflictueus

Allam, geboren in Egypte in 1952, typeerde zich in Italië altijd als een niet-praktiserende moslim. Hij staat bekend als een pleitbezorger van interreligieuze tolerantie. Ook is hij een fel criticus van islamitisch extremisme. Omdat hij in moslimkringen wordt beschouwd als afvallige, ontvangt hij geregeld doodsbedreigingen… Continue reading

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The Crusades and Islam

We often hear so-called “experts” in the West say that especially the Crusades have been the main cause for the negative attitude of Muslims towards the so-called “Christian countries,” which is totally wrong given the… Continue reading