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Understanding Israel’s Politics and 2013 Election

It was clear before the balloting in Israel that the claims that the population was moving to the right and that democracy in Israel was imperiled, were flatly wrong… Continue reading

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Understanding Israel’s January 22 Election

After decades of misunderstanding Israeli politics, I can say that nothing has changed in this regard… Continue reading

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Understanding Real Israeli Politics

Stengel’s complaint is the precise description of Israeli politics nowadays… Continue reading

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One Leader Who Will be Re-elected: Israel Goes to Elections

Israel is going to have elections on September 4 and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will almost certainly win by a big margin… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: How Charity Donations From American Jews are Used to Finance Israel’s Far Left

A newly leaked U.S. Embassy cable provides a startling revelation, not so much of the extremist anti-Israel views of one high-ranking… Continue reading

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Israel’s Labor Party Self-Destructs

A pivotal moment in Israeli political history. The Labor Party, the founding political organization of the state, ruler of the country for its first 29 years, and perennial member of… Continue reading