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Islamic Doctrines Justify Sex Jihad

The practice of sex jihad has specific doctrinal validation in Islam… Continue reading

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Violence and Context in Islamic Texts

Knee-jerk proof-texting of the “Islam is peace” claim will benefit no one… Continue reading

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The Woolwich Killing

“We will never stop fighting you”… Continue reading

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A First Look at Egypt’s New Constitution Shows a Careful Ambiguity On Islamic Rule

Although it isn’t official, the first two articles of Egypt’s new Constitution have been reportedly drafted by the committee of parliamentarians charged with that task… Continue reading

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Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids… Continue reading

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Is Islam Innately Evil? Is Islam Innately Good? Why This Debate is A Waste of Time

We all know that the number of Muslims who explicitly put forward a systematically coherent moderate theology of Islam is very small… Continue reading

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Iran: Discourse on Shari’ah Aspects of Nuclear Weapons Development Continues

Why Islamic religious law prohibits the development of nuclear weapons… Continue reading

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John Quincy Adams on Islam

The average American’s lack of awareness of the past has left our nation in an extremely vulnerable position… Continue reading

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A Guide to the Galaxy of Islamic Anti-Semitism

It is a truism that anti-Semitism is an extremely prevalent phenomenon in the Muslim world today… Continue reading

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Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?

There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur’an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction… Continue reading

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“Christian Terrorism”?

In light of the Norway terrorist attack, and as expected, the hail of religious relativism has begun… Continue reading

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Casual Hate: The Subtle Side of Christian Persecution

Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity’s Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C… Continue reading

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What is the Political Difference Between The West and Middle East?

In the West, moderate democracy — somewhere between social democrats and conservatives — trumps militant nationalism and religion… Continue reading

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The Mobile Phone Dealer Explains Qadhafi-Zionist Witchcraft

An Australian reporter writes the following from Libya… Continue reading

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Grand Mufti Claims Egypt’s Islam Is Moderate, But For How Long?

Well, without getting into things like official clerics endorsing suicide bombings, here’s what they don’t tell you… Continue reading

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Onder Criminele Moslims

Dit artikel is de nederlandse vertaling van “Among Criminal Muslims”, een interview van de Amerikaanse journalist… Lees verder

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Iranian Antisemitism: Stepchild of German National Socialism

Many Iranians claim that currently there is not any antisemitism in Iran. They point to the fact that the Jews of Iran today… Continue reading

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Full Text of Anwar al-Sadat’s Statements About the Muslim Brotherhood

Transcript of a six-minute video of statements by the late President Anwar al-Sadat (Egypt) about… Continue reading

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What’s Really Wrong with Western Understanding of the Middle East?

Rarely has a mass media article shaken me up as this one does. It is a rare, intense, view of what the Middle East is really like nowadays, though it is about Pakistan, on the eastern end of the region… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Vaticaan Denkt Aan Eigen Belang In Midden Oosten’

Een Amerikaanse diplomaat beklaagt zich in een memo van 3 juli 2001 erover dat het Vaticaan weinig behulpzaam is in het Vredesproces en Midden Oosten diplomatie, omdat de Heilige Stoel [het bestuurlijke orgaan] vrijwel uitsluitend aan haar eigen… Lees verder

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Hamas and Hezbollah’s Satellite Channels Continue Broadcasting Via Arab-Muslim and Western Satellites

As part of the battle for hearts and minds, Hamas and Hezbollah invest great resources in operating a number of land and satellite television channels. They use them to spread their extremist Islamist ideology, which includes incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and Western countries… Continue reading

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A Garland Of Myths

The distortion of history, ancient and modern, basic to the Arab-British resistance to Jewish restoration, had been fully articulated by 1948. After 1948, the Arabs added greater depth and vehemence in presentation and with it a theme of hatred of the Jews, comparable only to the demonology of medieval Christianity or the excesses of German Nazi propaganda in our own age… Continue reading

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Understanding Islam, Islamism and Jihad

Jihad is supposedly only defensive. However, it is easy to portray anything as defensive by dissociating cause and effect. Why did U.S. forces go into Afghanistan? It was as a response to the September 11 attacks. If there had been no September 11 attacks U.S. forces would not have attacked… Continue reading

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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2006 Letter to President George W. Bush

On may 08, 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush discussing the role of religion in foreign policy matters, the U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-Israel relationship, human rights (Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib prison), the establishment of the State of Israel and Iran’s right to nuclear program. In the letter, Ahmadinejad criticizes Bush and suggests that… Continue reading