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Muslim Brotherhood Declares War On America

This is one of those obscure Middle East events of the utmost significance that is ignored by the Western mass media, especially because they happen in Arabic, not English; by Western governments, because they don’t fit their policies; and by experts, because they don’t mesh with their preconceptions… Continue reading

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Trying To Bring Reality Into the Debate On Islam and Islamism

People are fascinated by the discussion over Islam and seem hungry for some honest and accurate analysis on it. So let me continue to try to bring reality into this debate. Now I know too many Muslims and how they act in practice to accept some mechanistic model that they respond like robots to the presence of radical concepts in… Continue reading

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Israel, Islamism and the War Within Islam

I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at war with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active war against how the majority of Muslims live at present and almost all the governments… Continue reading

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Mischief in Manhattan: Muslims Know the Idea Behind Ground Zero Mosque

New York currently boasts at least 30 mosques so it’s not as if there is pressing need to find space for worshippers. The fact we Muslims know the idea behind the Ground Zero mosque is meant to be a… Continue reading

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Crusade Propaganda

Since September 11 2001, the crusades are news and are quite possibly the most misunderstood event in European history. So, what do the medieval crusades have to do with… Continue reading

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The Persistence of Islamic Slavery

Slavery was taken for granted throughout Islamic history, as it was, of course, in the West as well up until relatively recent times. Yet while the European and American slave trade get stern treatment attention from historians, the Islamic slave trade, which actually lasted longer and brought suffering to a larger number of people, is virtually ignored… Continue reading

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The Failure of Western Feminists to Address Islamist Abuse

Modern Western feminists have been brought up with the luxuries of higher education, something that has been denied to many women in the Muslim world. The Taliban refused to allow women… Continue reading

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De Waarheid over de Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad

Is er een relatie tussen de ‘barbaarse’ Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad en zou het één bestaan hebben zonder de ander… Lees verder

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“Steun het Verzet tegen de Islamisering van Europa”

Suzanne Hirzel, één van de laatste nog levende leden van de Duitse verzetsgroep de Weiße Rose (“Witte Roos”), is nu lid van de anti-islamiseringsbeweging Pax Europa en waarschuwt voor “docenten en hoogleraren die zich als islamofielen en multiculturalisten etaleren en het islamisme ten dienste willen zijn… Continue reading

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Geert Wilders: “I don’t believe there is a moderate Islam”

Geert Wilders is pro-Israel and permanently indicating the dangers of Islam and the immigration from Muslim countries to Europe. He has made the struggle against Islamism and the ongoing Islamisation of the Netherlands… Continue reading

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Boerka Verbod en de Ontmenselijking van Vrouwen

Daniel Greenfield heeft een uitstekend artikel geschreven over de betekenis van de Boerka in de islamitische samenleving en waarom wij de Boerka moeten verbannen uit onze Westerse samenleving… Continue reading

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Wie de Waarheid Spreekt Riskeert Vervolging in Zweden

Niet alleen de Nederlandse rechtsspraak gaat de mist in als het gaat om vrijheid van meningsuiting en waarheidsvinding. Zoals het proces tegen Geert Wilders. In Zweden is het links-islamitisch fascisme ook doorgedrongen in de rechtszalen… Continue reading

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De Mythe van de “Gematigde” Islam

Gedurende een toespraak van David Horowitz tijdens de “Israel Apartheid Week” aan de Universiteit van Californië, San Diego, probeert een moslima door middel van het stellen van een vraag het betoogde verband tussen islamitische terroristische groeperingen… Continue reading

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De Moslimbroederschap in Nederland

Eind mei vergadert de Moslimbroederschap in Amsterdam. Deze organisatie verhult zijn doelstellingen niet: vernietiging van Israel en het bevorderen van islamitische wereldoverheersing. Maar volgens sommigen… Continue reading

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De As van de Jihad

Belangrijke mannen worden geboren in tijden van wanhoop, wanneer de wereld gevuld is met onwetendheid en het kwaad regeert. Dit is inderdaad een tijd van wanhoop voor de mensheid. De Islam is in opkomst, Islamitisch terrorisme verwoest ontelbare levens in de hele wereld en het bedreigt onze vrijheid… Continue reading

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The Pseudo-Golden Rule or Do Unto Which Others?

Muslims are very sensitive about the lack of a Golden Rule in Islam. So, when you bring this up they always rush to assert that Muslims love everybody, in particular, Christians and Jews. I argued that Islam had no Golden Rule… Continue reading

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Muhammad and the Jews

Everyone knows that many millions of the Muslims in the Arab world and beyond have a deep hostility towards Jews or “the Jew.” It seems to have reached a metaphysical level or debased into an irrational state of mind. The question is: where does the hate come from… Continue reading

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Over Boerka’s en Amnesty

Op NOS-teletekst lees ik het bericht dat Amnesty International scherpe kritiek heeft op het (wellicht aanstaande) boerka-verbod in België. Volgens Amnesty is het in strijd met de mensenrechten en de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Daarnaast gaat er een gevaarlijke precedentwerking vanuit… Continue reading

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Syria Sends Long-Range Missiles to Hizballah

The Obama Administration has developed a new concept as an excuse for not taking action against a radical and aggressive action. Israel has charged on the basis of intelligence information that Syria has been shipping long-range missiles to Hizballah… Continue reading

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Wie Spreekt Zich Nu Eens Uit?

Een meisje wordt lange tijd door haar broer seksueel misbruikt. Het gaat om een traditioneel Marokkaans gezin. De familie-eer moet er hoog worden gehouden. Ze mag de straat niet op, want… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – An Update

A late revision to the first installment of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 5

On Anti-White Racism… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 4

The case of Sweden… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 3

The Spanish and the Portuguese — once and future dhimmis… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi, Wilders and the Jihad Against Switzerland

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina… Continue reading