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The Events of the LAF Attack on IDF Soldiers

The Lebanese army August 3 attack on IDF soldiers located 120 meters inside Israeli territory may have been a local commander’s decision, but was influenced by the army’s belligerent attitude toward… Continue reading

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UNIFIL’S Unusefullness

It is nearly impossible for UNIFIL to pressure peace on an unwilling Lebanon who is the proxy of the Iran-Syria alliance and… Continue reading

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Letters of Complaint to UN Sec-Gen on Shooting Incident on Israel-Lebanon Border

Letters of complaint from Israeli Ambassador Carmon, Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon regarding the attack by Lebanese Armed Forces on… Continue reading

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Interview with UNIFIL Spokesman Milos Struger

Transcript and a link to an interview with UNIFIL advisor, Milos Struger and Israeli Army Radio. In the interview, Struger confirms that the IDF was below the Blue Line within Israeli territory… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Don’t Test Us

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a warning to Israel’s enemies Wednesday evening, following a series of attacks on Israel on several fronts… Continue reading

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The Lebanon-Israel Border Incident Was Planned Ambush at Israeli Territory

Conclusive evidence shows that the Lebanese army staged a planned ambush on the IDF in Israeli territory and invited media to film the lethal attack on the IDF Tuesday… Continue reading

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Israel Holds the Lebanese Government Responsible for the Border Incident

Israel views the firing from Lebanon on an Israel Defense Force patrol, which was operating along the Lebanese border in coordination with UNIFIL, as a severe violation of… Continue reading

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Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by Lebanese snipers

Lt. Col. Dov Harari, 45, from Netanya, batallion commander of the eastern Lebanese sector was killed in a surprise Lebanese cross-border attack… Continue reading