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The Hamas Split and the Palestinian Political Mess

There’s a serious split in Hamas reflecting the growing civil war among Islamists along Sunni-Shia lines… Continue reading

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The Fatah-Hamas peace process

On Monday afternoon, the Palestinians destroyed officially whatever was left of the concept of a peace process with Israel… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King Abdullah meets with Abbas discussing Syria and Israel-Palestinian issue in a rare West Bank visit

Jordan’s King Abdullah II arrived in Ramallah at very short notice for his first visit in more than a decade… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader makes decision about Iran’s stance towards Abu Mazen’s plan: Palestine from the river to the sea

Last weekend the 5th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada was held in Tehran… Continue reading

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Confusion in Iran over Palestinian UN bid

Iran has always stressed the need to liberate all of Palestine, and it is not willing to accept most of historic Palestine remaining in Israel’s possession… Continue reading

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PM Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

President Abbas, I extend my hand — the hand of Israel — in peace. I hope that you will grasp that hand… Continue reading

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President Mahmoud Abbas Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

I submitted an application for the admission of Palestine on the basis of the 4 June 1967 borders, with AI-Quds AI-Sharif as its capital, as a full member of the United Nations… Continue reading

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Would UN Palestinian Statehood destroy any chance of an equitable peace?

Such a move is expected to cause an environment of intensified strife… Continue reading

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International Efforts to Avoid the Palestinian UN Bid Will Inevitably Fail Because Western Policy is So Bad

I have seen about 20 articles today about why the UN bid isn’t in the PA’s interest and why they should stop… Continue reading

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Abbas: Palestinians seek full UN membership

Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he will request full membership at the United Nations… Continue reading

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Abbas to go through with UN Statehood Bid

Thursday, Sept. 15, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went back on his assurance 24 hours earlier to… Continue reading

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Will Abbas Back Down From UN Statehood Bid?

The tempest which Israel had tensely anticipated for September in the wake of a Palestinian bid for unilateral UN recognition of their state… Continue reading

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Erdogan drives toward armed clash with Israel

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan this week coolly moved his country step by provocative step towards an armed clash with Israel… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Hamas reject the Palestinian Authority’s proposed September UN move

Senior Hamas figures again recently emphasized the movement’s fundamental intransigent positions, especially the refusal… Continue reading

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The Palestinians’ Imaginary State

In a few weeks, an overwhelming majority in the United Nations General Assembly will likely vote for collective recognition of a Palestinian state… Continue reading

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Sudan’s “Two-State Solution”

Good news from the Middle East is that rarest of all things… Continue reading

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Israel, Greece, Turkey join hands to stall Gaza flotilla

The 350 activists left of the 1,500 activists originally planning to sail nine boats against Israel’s naval blockade on Gaza… Continue reading

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Turkey renews strategic ties with Israel ahead of showdown with Syria

After more than a year of strained relations, Turkey has decided to restore military and intelligence collaboration in the eastern Mediterranean with Israel… Continue reading

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The Unbearable Lightness of Mainstream Thinking on Israel-Palestinian Issues

An analysis of the Lying-for-Peace Movement and of how the main arguments on the… Continue reading

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Where Obama is leading Israel

In the aftermath of US President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech on the Middle East, his supporters argued that the policy toward Israel… Continue reading

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Nakba Day: “Right of Return” is Central to Palestinian’ Strategy to Liberate “Palestine”

The main theme of the various Nakba Day events was the Palestinian refugees’ return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel… Continue reading

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The Netanyahu-Abbas Exchange That Explains Why There’s No Peace, Who’s Responsible, and What Obama Doesn’t Understand

You can read for yourselves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress. Both on regional issues and the Israel-Palestinian question… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu’s Speech to U.S. Congress, May 24, 2011

Speech by PM Netanyahu to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress… Continue reading

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Palestinian Politics Is About to Make a Transition For the Worse; Bad Time to Push for Peacemaking

Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas is retiring and has called on Fatah to choose a replacement… Continue reading