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Analyzing Internal Conflicts in Iran

Spiritual Guide Ali Khamenei is supposed to be the boss. In curbing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s power, Khamenei is reminding him… Continue reading

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Ansar-e Hezbollah: Recruiting Volunteers for Suicide Missions in Bahrain

From recruitment of suicide bombers to increased online presence: Iran’s radical right-wing government supporters step up activities… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Mashaei Groomed as Possible Successor to Ahmadinejad in Iran

A close ally of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who favours cultural openness and opposes greater clerical involvement in politics, is being… Continue reading

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Syria’s Biggest Crisis in 40 Years

Today [April 23] Syria has entered its biggest internal crisis since 1970. The regime has come out to crush the… Continue reading

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Germany: The New Kristallnacht

The German’s are as anti-Semitic as they were during WWII. Here is the sobering report… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel – Calm Before the Storm?

Israel is deceptively calm and prosperous. The security situation inside Israel is the best since the outbreak of the Second Intifada… Continue reading

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Some European Intellectuals Go Insane With Hatred

People in English-speaking countries are often horrified and outraged by what’s published in their language’s mass media… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Undermining U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan and Training Taliban Militants

Iran is financing a range of Afghan religious and political leaders, grooming Afghan religious scholars, training Taliban militants and… Continue reading

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Iranian Antisemitism: Stepchild of German National Socialism

Many Iranians claim that currently there is not any antisemitism in Iran. They point to the fact that the Jews of Iran today… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regional Leadership in the Middle East: Principle or Realpolitik?

In stark contrast to its support for the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia, Turkey has abstained from taking a principled, democratic stand… Continue reading

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Iran: Are the Events in the Arab World a Sign of the Mehdi’s Coming Return?

A documentary shown in Iran in the past several months has provoked a heated religious-legal debate… Continue reading

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Deadly Crackdown on Bahrain Protesters, Iran Rattled by Saudi Military Intervention

The contest between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the Sunni-Shiite split in the Arab world were ramped up to a dangerous level… Continue reading

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Iran: Rafsanjani Loses Key Post, Mahdavi Kani New Assembly of Experts Chairman

Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been replaced as head of the Assembly of Experts committee constitutionally tasked with… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iranian Outreach to Latin America

Washington analysts assess that Tehran is reaching out to Latin American countries in order to reduce its diplomatic isolation and increase ties to leftist… Continue reading

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Iran: Regime Escalates Repression – Where’s the International Reaction?

It is now confirmed that the Iranian government has kidnapped the two leading opposition leaders. This is the most serious single act of repression… Continue reading

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Tehran’s hands-off Threat to Riyadh Incites Saudi Shiites to Revolt

Ahead of the first Day of Anger planned in Saudi Arabia for March 11, a senior Iranian figure close to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Elections, Disarray in Both Conservative and Reformist Camps, Moussavi too Unknown for Many

Iranian analysts in Iran and the UK see no clear trends or emerging patterns in the campaigns of candidates for President in the run… Continue reading

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Iran’s Top Opposition Leaders Secretly Jailed, West Fails to Act Again

The disappearance of Iran’s two most prominent opposition figures, Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, was not mentioned in the… Continue reading

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Iranian Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Protests

In Tehran Debkafile’s Iranian sources report that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad early Thursday conferred with Revolutionary Guards and Basij leaders on… Continue reading

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U.S. Intelligence at Work: Iranian Warships? Yeah, I Heard Something About That

Following on the theme that the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization and that U.S. intelligence gets its breaking information from CNN, we have… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: “Egypt Should Develop in All Spheres Like Iran and have a President Like Ahmadinejad”

Since the start of the Egyptian Januari 25 revolution leaders of Egypt’s primary opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, are being questioned about how… Continue reading

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Turkey and the Middle Eastern Revolts: Democracy or Islamism?

Turkey’s leaders have embraced the popular revolts in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Abdullah Gül publicly urging Egyptian… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Vatican Says No to Ahmadinejad Papal Audience

Holy See Undersecretary for Relations with States Monsignor Pietro Parolin told Ambassador that Pope Benedict would not receive Iranian President Ahmadinejad… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkey Used as Base to Transport Terrorism Suspects

Turkey allowed the US to use its airbase at Incirlik in southern Turkey as part of the “extraordinary rendition” programme to take suspected terrorists to Guantánamo Bay… Continue reading