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WikiLeaks: US-Turkey Relations Improve

The tone of the relationship has been improving since PM Erdogan’s visit to Washington last June, but Iraq continues to dominate our agenda… Continue reading

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Iranian Regime Expresses Satisfaction over Egypt Revolt; Reformists Express Support, Frustration

The violent riots in Egypt drew considerable public attention in many countries this week, and Iran was no exception. Similarly to the fall of Tunisia’s President… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Germany Ready to Support Iran Sanctions

Germany would prefer to see action taken within the UNSC, but is concerned about Chinese commitment. Iran Task Force Director Krueger said Germany was looking… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Tehran has ‘Technical Ability’ to Make Highly Enriched Uranium

US officials believe Iran now has the “technical ability” to make highly enriched uranium, an essential step towards building a nuclear bomb, according… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Iran and Gaza with Mubarak’s Son

During an hour-long meeting on February 17 [2009], Gamal Mubarak discussed with Senator Joseph Lieberman the problems with Gaza and Palestinian reconciliation… Continue reading

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Iran Asks Egypt to Meet Public Demands Despite Its Own Crackdown on the Green Movement

Iran expects Egyptian officials to listen to the voice of their Muslim people, respond to their rightful demands and refrain from exerting violence by security forces and… Continue reading

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Tensions Between India and Iran Escalate

This week, Iran’s media have extensively covered the escalating tensions between Iran and India following last week’s announcement by the Indian Central Bank that Iran will not be able to sell oil to India unless… Continue reading

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President Ahmadinejad Reorganizes Office, Removes 14 Advisors

This week, President Ahmadinejad dismissed 14 of his advisors. The surprise move came only three weeks after he sacked foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki. The president thanked… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Feared Soccer Defeat Could Spark Election Unrest

President Ahmadinajad invested so much political capital in the fortunes of the national side the regime was said to have sent spies to keep tabs on key players. There was also concern that a loss… Continue reading

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Intelligence Minister Reveals Iran Deciphered Encrypted E-mail Correspondence of Regime Opponents

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Hojjat-ol-Eslam Heydar Moslehi announced last weekend that, during the riots that had broken out after the presidential election in June 2009, the Intelligence Ministry had intercepted encrypted… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Office Chief Provokes Outrage Once Again

Ahmadinejad’s office chief Esfandiar Rahim Masha’i provoked another outrage this week after making two controversial remarks recently. Speaking at an artists’ convention held in the city of Arak in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ahmadinejad Ordered Capture of British Servicemen ‘For Domestic Reasons’

In conversations with foreign ministry officials in Brunei, US diplomats hear what their counterparts believe was behind the capture of 15 British servicemen and women by Iran earlier in the month. The Brunei officials say they think… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Don’t Tell Us What To Do, India Warns U.S.

In a meeting shortly after controversial stopover visit of Iranian president – who told Indian prime minister that the “world is changing in Iran’s favour” – Delhi’s top diplomat was uncomplimentary about the visitor to… Continue reading

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Uproar Over Foreign Minister Mottaki’s Sacking Continues

A group of 16 Majles members submitted a written address to President Ahmadinejad this week criticizing the manner in which Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki had been fired last week. In the address, the Majles members demanded… Continue reading

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Iran’s New Foreign Minister: Ties with Saudi Arabia Top Priority

What is the highest priority for Iranian foreign policy–I mean the official and public foreign policy, not spreading revolution and terrorism–today? According to the new foreign minister it’s developing strong relations with… Continue reading

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The Asian Convoy Arrives in Syria via Turkey and Iran

The Asian convoy which left India on December 5 arrived in Turkey on December 17 and was welcomed by senior representatives from IHH, which apparently hosted the convoy during its stay in the country. The convoy visited several… Continue reading

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Manouchehr Mottaki Ousted In a Power Play After Years of Tensions

President Ahmadinejad announced this week that he was dismissing Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and appointing Ali-Akbar Salehi as acting foreign minister in his stead. Salehi has been the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization since… Continue reading

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Iran Installs Ali-Akbar Salehi as Acting Foreign Minister

Iran’s nuclear chief Ali-Akbar Salehi was installed as the country’s acting foreign minister on Saturday after the country’s longtime top diplomat Manouchehr Mottaki was ousted in a power play, CNN reported Saterday… Continue reading

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Asian Convoy in Iran: a Display of Hatred for Israel and the West

The arrival of the Asian convoy in Iran was exploited for a display of hatred for Israel and the West. Convoy activists met with Iranian president Ahmadinejad at Teheran University, where he gave a speech in which he referred to Israel as “an insult to humanity”… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad Removes Iran’s Foreign Minister Mottaki

According to the information dissemination center of the Presidential Office, President Ahmadinejad in a decree on Monday replaced Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and appointed Ali Akbar as the Foreign Ministry caretaker. In his letter… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Arabische Staten Minachten Iran

De uitgelekte documenten van het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken laten een litanie van klachten zien van de Saoedisch en kleinere Golfstaten, alsmede Egypte, Jordanië en anderen, over onderwerpen zoals de nucleaire ambities van Teheran, de Iraanse betrokkenheid in Irak en… Lees verder

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Iran Calls Documents On WikiLeaks Website “An American Fabrication” and Part Of A “Psychological Warfare” Campaign

Following the publication of the documents on Wikileaks, Iran has claimed this week that the reliability of the leaked documents must be questioned. President Ahmadinejad commented on the documents’ exposure by saying that it was a… Continue reading

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“Hariri’s visit to Tehran will strengthen Tehran-Damascus-Beirut axis of resistance”

This week, Iranian media has devoted considerable attention to Lebanese PM Saad al-Hariri’s visit to Tehran, citing it as an example of rapprochement between Iran and Lebanon on the backdrop of the coming release of the… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Israel Kan Het Zich Niet Veroorloven Om Iran Te Onderschatten’

De recent gelekte geheime memo’s van Amerikaanse Ambassades in het Midden Oosten geven ons een duidelijk beeld van de politieke realiteit en de krachtsverhoudingen in het Midden Oosten. Er komen enkele steeds terugkerende elementen naar voren uit… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: Israel en Arabische Staten Waren Eensgezind In Aanval Op Iran

Volgens verschillende Amerikaanse documenten, die op de WikiLeaks website gelekt zijn, hebben meerdere Arabische Staten net als Israel er bij de Amerikanen op aangedrongen om het Iraanse nucleaire programma met militaire middelen te stoppen… Lees verder