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World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support

In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer. Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans… Continue reading

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De Linkse Politieke Partijen en het Israelisch-Palestijns Vraagstuk

Als we de verkiezingsprogramma’s vergelijken van de partijen die meedoen met de Tweede Kamer verkiezingen op 9 juni 2010, dan valt op dat vooral de linkse partijen een desastreus Midden Oosten politiek volgen vanwege hun eenzijdige benadering van het Israëlisch-Palestijns vraagstuk… Continue reading

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Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Amin el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was the Brotherhood’s official representative in British Mandatory Palestine. He was a close collaborator with Nazi Germany at the highest levels, including Adolf Hitler… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire?

In 2005, the National Intelligence Council, or NIC, produced a report called, “Mapping the Global Future: Project 2020.” According to this report, within the next several years, we may expect to see the emergence of a fledgling caliphate, or revived Islamic empire… Continue reading

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Is Iran Creating a Defensive Umbrella for Aggression?

Ahmadinejad’s apparently pacifist-style, peacenik stance at the UN conference fits into his strategy. Nuclear weapons may well provide the umbrella for him to seek regional hegemony with weapons of mass destruction unused but highly visible in his back pocket… Continue reading

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Stricter Enforcement of Islamic Dress Code Ahead of Iran’s Summer Season

Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has said this week that the authorities intended to implement the Islamic dress code enforcement program in the country. This year the program will apply to men as well… Continue reading

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Over Boerka’s en Amnesty

Op NOS-teletekst lees ik het bericht dat Amnesty International scherpe kritiek heeft op het (wellicht aanstaande) boerka-verbod in België. Volgens Amnesty is het in strijd met de mensenrechten en de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Daarnaast gaat er een gevaarlijke precedentwerking vanuit… Continue reading

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A Letter To Gaza

I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to… Continue reading

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The ElBaradei Candidacy

The seemingly interminable reign of President Hosni Mubarak has suppressed Egypt’s domestic political scene for decades. In recent weeks, however, Egyptians have been expressing tempered enthusiasm that political change may be in the air. Their inspiration: the man whom the West should blame if Iran gets a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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There Can Be No Talk Of Genocide

In a SPIEGEL interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan discusses Ankara’s relationship with the European Union, the debate over genocide against the Armenians and his role as a mediator in the dispute over Iran’s nuclear policy… Continue reading

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The Iranian regime and its theological elite regarding the nuclear issue

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a religious authority and Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, implies in a theological-political book that Iran must acquire a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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Why the Islamic Republic of Iran has Survived

In the hectic months of 1979—before the Islamic Republic had been officially declared—many Iranians as well as foreigners, confidently predicted its imminent demise… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel Front

Iranian president Ahmadinejad visits Syria and meets with terrorist organization heads and the heads of the Palestinian terrorist organizations meet with the upper echelons of Iran… Continue reading

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The Anti-American and Anti-Israel Bloc

Syria, Iran and Turkey, with their great peoples and their lively peoples and their rejectionist policies are moving toward brotherhood and pledged to create a Middle East “without Zionists and without colonialists… Continue reading

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Who will stop Iran’s Ahmadinejad?

We see that the government of Iran, the supreme leader, the president, the parliament, is being supplanted and that Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship. That is our view… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guard Inc.

The secretive paramilitary group, according to the U.S., arms both violent Shiite militias in Iraq and Hezbollah. It runs feared prisons inside Iran. The Revolutionary Guard also has a big role that is less understood in the West: an active player in business… Continue reading

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The Islamic Torture Republic of Iran

Two dissidents were hanged in Iran last week and death sentences have been announced against several political activists who protested the fraudulent June election results. More will be going on trial in an attempt… Continue reading

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Has the Opposition in Iran Reconsidered its Stance?

A political scandal was sparked in Iran last week when reformist opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi was quoted by the conservative Fars news agency saying that he recognized President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the president of Iran… Continue reading

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Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi and Anti-Semitic Speeches

In a speech given to the Revolutionary Guards, Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, accused the Jews and the Zionist of corruption and fanning resistance against the regime as part of their effort to take over the world and destroy Islam… Continue reading

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Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the Political Crisis in Iran

In the wake of the Ashura riots, Mir Hossein Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the crisis; the conservatives’ approach is still as aggressive and non-compromising as ever… Continue reading

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The Middle Eastern Cold War

A cold war is “the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century.” So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, “An Escalating Regional Cold War.” They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed… Continue reading

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Iran’s political crisis continues

It’s remarkable how the Western Governments (and the mainstream media) are sleeping in silence about Iran’s political crisis and Ahmadinejad’s dictatorship, since the elections in Iran (summer 2009) and the mass protests of the Iranian people… Continue reading

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Iran Student Day: Origins and Legacy

Iranian authorities warned of crackdowns as they tried to head off possible protests Monday, when the country marks Students Day — the anniversary of the 1953 killing of three university students by security forces. The history of Iranian student political protests began in 1941 with the abdication of Reza Shah and occupation of Iran by the allied forces… Continue reading

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How Nazi Propaganda influenced Radical and Political Islam

Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the Arabic broadcasts shed light on a particularly dark chapter in the globalization of pernicious ideas… Continue reading

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Abbas Says Settlement Freeze Insufficient

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas dismissed an Israeli plan to temporarily halt new construction of West Bank settlements as insufficient on Friday, saying Palestinians don’t accept Israel’s tack in trying to restart peace negotiations… Continue reading