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Ahmadinejad’s decision to appoint an ally as advisor on international affairs strongly criticized

A decision made by President Ahmadinejad last week to appoint his ally Ali Sa’idlou as vice-president on international affairs… Continue reading

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Iranian Criticism of Russia Escalates Following Russian President’s Statement

Iranian top officials have reacted strongly last week to a statement made by Russia’s president Dmitry Medvedev, who warned that Iran is close to acquiring the means to… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla is a Step Towards the Destruction of Israel

Unlike pirate operations off the coast of Somalia, carried out by one terrorist group, the daily claimed that the “Zionist regime” took over the flotilla in an act of government-sponsored piracy. That crime supports the Palestinian cause and brings the “Zionist regime” one step closer to its destruction… Continue reading

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Islamic Dress Code: Students Denied Entry to Tehran University

The official in charge of security in Tehran University has announced this week that the university started preventing students who do not abide by the Islamic dress code from entering the campus grounds… Continue reading

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Diverse and Contrasting Reactions about Iran’s Nuclear Agreement

The agreement signed this week, under which Iran is to transfer 1200 kg of low-enriched uranium in exchange for nuclear fuel for the Tehran research reactor, has provoked diverse and contrasting reactions among Iran’s… Continue reading