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A New Muslim Brotherhood Symbol: R4BIA

A new Islamist symbol… Continue reading

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The ‘Sex Jihad’

Muslim women offer sexual services to jihadi fighters… Continue reading

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Subversion and Exporting the Islamic Revolution in Latin America

Iran invests considerable resources in its battle for hearts and minds and in exporting the Iranian revolution in Latin American countries… Continue reading

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Why Palestinian Terror Attacks Ensure There Will Be No Peace

Events like the massacre of an Israeli family by terrorists aren’t just tragedies or crimes, they are events of huge political and… Continue reading

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Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority

Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority… Continue reading

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Portrait of Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi: A “Moderate” Islamist?

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi is a central figure affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. He was expelled from Egypt and found refuge in… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Calls For Jihad Against Israel, Western Countries And Moderate Arab Regimes

The Muslim Brotherhood’s London-based publication calls for jihad and terrorist attacks against Israel, and incites against the United States and moderate Arab regimes. However, when addressing leftist and human rights activists of the anti-Israel coalition, the Muslim Brotherhood emphasizes the rights of the Palestinians and tones down its radical Islamic nature… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

“You have accomplished in eight years what no other contemporary Turkish politician could achieve. You have successfully entered the final stages in your efforts to transform Atatürk’s Turkey into an Arab-style Islamist dictatorship… Continue reading

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The Media’s Skewed Gaza Flotilla Coverage

Live report from Ashdod examining how the media skewed the Gaza Flotilla event to portray Israel as the aggressors… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Activists Created War Atmosphere Before Confronting Israel

On the day before the Gaza flotilla confronted the Israeli navy, Al-Jazeera TV documented the pre-battle atmosphere created by men on board the flotilla, who chanted a well-known Islamic battle cry… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 1

In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, many people anticipated a quick and satisfying American victory over Al Qaeda. The terrorist army was thought to be no bigger than a pirate ship… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 2

In the fourth century of the Christian era, Emperor Constantine converted the Roman Empire to Christianity. But Constantine, in Qutb’s interpretation, did this in a spirit of pagan hypocrisy… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 3

”To exterminate”, that was Qutb’s phrase. Hysteria cried out from every syllable. But he did not want to be hysterical. He wanted to respond. How?… Continue reading