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Ex-Muslim Sister gives insight into Brothers’s Subjugation, Discrimination of Women and Polygamy

In a time when Western intellectuals, politicians, and journalists are trying to explain that the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t a radical Islamist group… Continue reading

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Spiral of Violence: How the German online media portrays Palestinian terrorism against Israel

This article analyses German media coverage of Palestinian terrorism… Continue reading

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How Can Israel Please the American Government, Media, and “Experts”? It Can’t

There is a constant effort to portray those who express Israeli public opinion and the views of professional analysts as “right-wing”… Continue reading

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Who’s the Leading Authority in Defining Islam? Ayatollah Western Media

The Washington Post has an article by Michael Gerson attacking Newt Gingrich’s warning that the imposition of Sharia law… Continue reading

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Democracy strikes back

Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch launched an unhinged attack on the Knesset and the government… Continue reading

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Egypt: Forget Denial, The Totalitarians Won, Get Used to It

The Brotherhood will laugh last… Continue reading

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Iran: Green Movement’s media on verge of bankruptcy

According to the announcement, the Jaras website is on the verge of a severe budget deficit… Continue reading

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The Insanity of the Middle East: A Handy Guide

Every day in the Middle East, terrible things take place… Continue reading

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Glenn Beck’s revealing visit

American media superstar Glenn Beck’s visit to Israel this week was a revealing and remarkable event… Continue reading

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Jesus Christ: The – politically correct – Way

A widely syndicated article by Reuters raises a number of important ethical questions about the media today… Continue reading

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A Day in the Life of the Middle East: Egypt, Islamist Terrorism, Libya, Turkey

Where’s the outrage? Where’s the policy shift?… Continue reading

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If Anti-Israel Propaganda Becomes Too Ridiculous Will Nobody Believe it?

This article in The Economist is so horrendous that I admit to laughing hysterically while reading it… Continue reading

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A Warning From Norway

Almost lost in official Washington’s preoccupation with the partisan slug-fest over raising the debt ceiling and reducing the deficit was the… Continue reading

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Palestinian “Moderate” Shows Why Real Peace is Impossible At Present

Nabil Shaath has given a fascinating and insightful interview that is well worth analyzing… Continue reading

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Thinking About the Terrorist Murders in Norway

I don’t think this terrorist attack in Norway was a jihadist conspiracy nor is this guy a secret Islamist terrorist… Continue reading

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Basic untruths and omissions in the mainstream media aid Palestinianism

A new video by Ayalon alludes to the point that the mainstream media continually forwards certain basic fabrications of the historical record… Continue reading

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The Flytilla Farce And The International Campaign For Repressive Dictatorship and Against Israel

After the failure of the Gaza flotilla, Western leftists and their Arab, often Islamist, allies took up a new way to harass Israel… Continue reading

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The invisible Palestinians

Sunday was the first day of Sgt. Gilad Schalit’s sixth year in captivity… Continue reading

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The Jewish Left: Confronting our Subversive Institutions

Just as Israelis are denied their right to an open, objective public discourse due to the radical Left’s predominance in the media… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Voter Fraud?

Daniel Pipes wrote an article asking if the June 2011 election would be the last free and fair election in Turkey… Continue reading

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Het sprookje van Brabosh en de Israël Lobby

De schrijvende Israëlbasher Lucas Catherine heeft weer een nieuw gedrocht uitgebraakt… Lees verder

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U.S. Government Cheers As Turkey May Go Islamist and Anti-American

Will 250 million people live under revolutionary Islamist regimes by the end of this year… Continue reading

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What I Have Learned In My Long Visit to America

What’s most scary in America today may be the financial deficit and it may be government policies, but for me the scariest thing is… Continue reading

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How A New York Times Article Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Israel-Palestinian Conflict By Being Full of False Information

I don’t mean to keep picking on the New York Times but the problem is that the New York Times keeps picking on Israel… Continue reading

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Three Amazing Stories That Teach Us: Never Overestimate the Competence of the Media

First, almost all of the major news media has reported about the confrontation between Israeli forces and people who… Continue reading