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Does Power Moderate Radicals? Where’s the Proof?

An interesting and important question about the Middle East is whether being in power or running in an election inevitably moderates those who are radicals… Continue reading

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“Moderate Islamism?” Does It Exist?

A new term is foisted on us without serious debate or proof and we are supposed to rejoice at the triumphs of those now called “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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Israel, Islamism and the War Within Islam

I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at war with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active war against how the majority of Muslims live at present and almost all the governments… Continue reading

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Help Us By Telling the Truth

During my last speaking trip, which usually focused on the battle between Islamists and nationalists, there were Arabs or Iranians present at each event who enthusiastically endorsed what I said. In one case, a Palestinian… Continue reading

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Turkey Shows its True Face

In the aftermath of the Gaza war the friendship between Turkey and Israel is declining more and more… Continue reading