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Christendom’s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque

The ongoing Islamification of Turkey… Continue reading

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Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques

How great is the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in the United States… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi, Wilders and the Jihad Against Switzerland

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina… Continue reading

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Jihad Web 2.0

This week, Thomas Friedman, wrote an article about the virtual warfare (using internet) that’s going on in recruiting new jihadists for the Global Jihad. He calls on the Arabs and Muslims around the world to speak out against the radical Jihadists and the terroristic organizations and if necessary to start a civil war against them… Continue reading

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Taliban, Image War and Iconoclasm

When the Taliban destroyed the ancient, massive Buddhist rock-wall sculptures a few months ago, a number of Muslims sent around petitions urging the world to see how dangerous the Taliban were. These monuments had survived the Mongols and other invaders, and had coexisted with centuries of Islamic civilization… Continue reading

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Hamas continues its policy of terrorism against Israel

Khaled Mashaal makes it clear that Hamas is determined to continue the path of “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) and that “other statements are political maneuvers.” He reveals that Hamas uses most of its financial resources in the Gaza Strip for military purposes rather than rebuilding… Continue reading

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What really happened at the al-Maqdamah mosque In Gaza?

On November 5, 2009 there was a confrontation at Brandeis University in Massachusetts between the president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Dr. Dore Gold, and Judge Richard Goldstone. It dealt, among other things, with the affair of the al-Maqdamah mosque in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, about which two contradictory versions exist… Continue reading

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Terrorism and Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This past week, despite the events on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there was a decrease in the amount of rocket and mortar shell fire. One mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near the southern Israeli city of Sderot (October 7, 2009). There were no casualties and no damage was done. Elements within the Army of the Nation (a network affiliated with the global jihad) claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it retaliation for the events at Al-Aqsa mosque… Continue reading

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Videos: Wafa Sultan talks about Islam

Watch these video’s and listen to what Wafa Sultan has to say about Islam. If you hear what influence the Islam has on the minds of the ordinary people, do you still really believe that Israël is the agressor in the middle east or are they trying to survive in the harsh enviroment called ‘Dar al-Harb = house of war’… Continue reading