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WikiLeaks: Gaddafi Risked Nuclear Disaster in Libya after UN Slight

A potential “environmental disaster” was kept secret by the US last year when a large consignment of highly enriched uranium in Libya came close to cracking open… Continue reading

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UNHRC: World Praise for Libya 4 Months Ago

Libya is a member of the UN’s top Human Rights Body – the Human Rights Council. The majority of members of the UN General Assembly… Continue reading

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Islamic Union Students Protest Massacre of Libyans by Gaddafi Regime

A number of university students from across the country staged a demonstration outside the United Nations office in Tehran to voice… Continue reading

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Libya: US Military Advisers in Cyrenaica

Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers have arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province… Continue reading

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Media and Middle East: Wow, These People are Repressive Dictators! Who Knew?

For those of us who have been trying to talk about Middle East dictators for a long time it is amusing to see how people are lining up to be “horrified” by… Continue reading

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Libya and UN’s Human Rights Policy

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called for an immediate end to violent repression of Libya protests in a… Continue reading

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TV Speech: Defiant Gaddafi Vows to Fight On and Die ‘as a Martyr’ Rather Than Quit

In a televised speech punctuated by long pauses, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi gave a long, rambling speech on Libyan State TV in which he… Continue reading

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Libyan Ambassadors Resign Posts to Protest Bloody Crackdown

The Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday Libyan diplomats all over the world resigned from their positions, in protest a bloody crackdown against… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A Gaddafi Family Portrait

US embassy cables shed light on Gaddafi family – including son Saif al-Islam, who vowed in TV address to eradicate enemies… Continue reading

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Libyan Revolt Spreads Despite Violent Crackdown

Multiple eyewitnesses have reported that Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, was in the hands of protesters and their military allies after several days… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lockerbie Bomber Released after Gaddafi’s Threats Against UK

The British government’s deep fears that Libya would take “harsh and immediate” action against UK interests if the convicted Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison are revealed in secret US embassy cables which show London’s full… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: The Eccentricities of Libyan Leader Gadaffi Revealed

Recent first-hand experiences with Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qadhafi … primarily in preparation for his UNGA trip, provided rare insights into Qadhafi’s inner circle and… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ugandan President’s Fears of Libyan Attack

Ugandan President Museveni said Libyan President Qadhafi “is a problem” for the continent and is pushing for the creation of a “United States of Africa” to be governed by one president. Museveni noted that tensions… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Switzerland’s Biggest Challenge is Its Continuing Crisis with Libya

A secret October 2009 cable from Bern, written by the US ambassador Donald Beyer, briefed Hillary Clinton for her upcoming Swiss trip (on October 10, 2009) to Zürich about “the biggest challenge on Switzerland’s foreign policy front… Continue reading

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The Libyan Ship Intifada

A Libyan charitable society headed by the son of Muammar Gaddafi organized an aid ship to the Gaza Strip. It set sail on July 10 and is expected to… Continue reading

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IRA-PLO cooperation: A long, cozy relationship

Israel is continually delegitimized and demonized at Republican demonstrations and in publications such as Sinn Fein’s official weekly… Continue reading