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Egyptian Armed Forces First Statement: “Call for Meeting the Demands of the People”

Tahrir Square erupts in joy after Egypt armed forces first statement… Continue reading

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Second Statement: Army Says It Won’t Take Power…Yet

The Egyptian army says it will not take power after all… Continue reading

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What Now in Egypt? Informed Speculations

These are speculations I’m thinking through but want to share them with you… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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Egypt “Democratically” Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship

What are the next steps for Mursi?… Continue reading

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Analyzing Egypt

Whatever the outcome from the upcoming referendum to begin on Saturday in Egypt for the draft constitution, the superior position of the Islamist factions is unlikely to be overthrown in the near future… Continue reading

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Mishandling Mursi

Only a week after being praised by the Obama Administration for his supposed helpfulness in ending the fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Israel, Egyptian President Mursi apparently decided to cash in his praise “chips” early… Continue reading

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A Turning Point in Egypt: Not on Direction But on the Speed of Islamist Transformation

A critical moment has arrived for Egypt. But what does it mean?… Continue reading

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Egypt’s New Constitution: Laying the Basis for an Islamist, Sharia State

Egypt’s population will be given two weeks to consider the Constitution, which has 236 articles, that will govern their lives for decades to come… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood ‘Democracy’

Prior to Egypt’s presidential elections, Islamists made clear that the electoral process was an obligatory form of “holy war”… Continue reading

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Obama’s spectacular failure

Obama came into office with a theory on which he based his Middle East policy. His theory was that jihadists hate America because the US supports Israel… Continue reading

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The Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s longtime banned Muslim Brotherhood has just won the nation’s presidency, in the name of its candidate, Muhammad Mursi… Continue reading

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Egypt: Islamists vs. Copts

The future of Egypt’s indigenous Christians, the Copts, looks bleak… Continue reading

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Egyptian Election: Islamist Victory or Deceptive Strategy?

Has anyone stopped to ask where the headlines “Muslim Brotherhood Wins Egypt’s Presidential Election!” originate?… Continue reading

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Parallel Betrayals: Iranian Revolution and Arab Spring

Many are the lessons to be learned between the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the current revolutions of the Arab world… Continue reading

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Muhammad Mursi Will Use Street Power for Egyptian Presidency

The goal from the outset of the Tahrir Square revolution early last year was to get the Muslim Brotherhood installed in government through the ballot box… Continue reading

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Court Dissolves Egyptian Parliament; Army Takes Over; Civil War?

The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court has invalidated the parliamentary election there… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Presidential Election is a Defeat For the Islamists

While the Brotherhood claims victory, the election was actually a defeat for the Brotherhood and Islamism… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Elections: Titanic of Western Interests, Meet Iceberg of Islamist Revolutionary Zeal

Egypt will hold its presidential election May 23-24 with a possible run-off on June 16-17. It is impossible at this point to predict what’s going to happen but I can make a good guess… Continue reading